

Responses from oddiofyl

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Marcus Mumford " self titled"    very good LP that sounds really good  
Velodyne DD 15+ (Digital Drive 15 plus) amplifier plate replacement?
These guys fixed my Dad's Velodyne HGS which is basically the same type of amp technology     
Rell or JL subwoofer?
I have owned a few REL they are definitely good with music and more than satisfying when playing a movie in 2.1. I run mine RCA because I am afraid to use the Speakon type connector with my tube amps.  Solid State fully differential amps can NOT ... 
Musical Surroundings Phonomena II+ -OR- Moon 110lp v2 -OR- Parasound ZPhono XRM Phono
Enjoy.   Moon products are top notch.     
Cartridge position on headshell . . .
I thought I had overhang correct when using a paper protractor.   It just didn't sound right to me and I bought the MoFi Geodisc and my cartridge sounds way better.  I was clearly off trying to set overhang by eye   
One of the great things about Vinyl
Thanks, it is only temporary as I can now use MC cartridges.   I think I'm going to buy a record cleaner next and then experiment with a nice MC   
How much does a DAC do the more expensive it is?
Much of what is praised over at ASR is mediocre Chi Fi .    My former DAC , the RME adi2 was the darling of ASR until some cheap Chi Fi DAC bettered it's specs....and then that was the favorite of ASR My current DAC is completely void of features... 
AUDIO SCIENCE REVIEW and $50 to spend.........
If you put more effort into listening to the gear than the music then why bother.  A great sounding system should make you not even think about the gear,  you just get wrapped up in the music .  
One of the great things about Vinyl
I just got backi to vinyl and am amazed how great my records sound d this time around.  I have been finding myself listening to recordings the whole way through.   Probably because I am selective about albums I buy.  I have to like the majority o... 
Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?
I wish I started streaming earlier.   I got a Bluesound Vault in '19 and it totally changed the way I listened to music.    So many great artists I missed out on for years.   The great thing about streaming is that I can listen to an artist and i... 
Dennis Had Inspire PSE 300B WOW!!!
Enjoy !   I have heard that is a great amp.      
AUDIO SCIENCE REVIEW and $50 to spend.........
Buying gear based on measurements is sure to yield a system with low noise and hopefully great dynamic range but in no way guarantees an engaging , musically satisfying system.  Only careful matching through listening guarantees that.  
AUDIO SCIENCE REVIEW and $50 to spend.........
That's great Amir likes your preamp,  but there is a lot of crap they love over on that site so to use it as a barometer for what sounds excellent is silly.    They trash some really nice gear and praise a lot of Chi Fi ......  
Need advice with clicking noise from my tube amp
I had a weird noise like a "tick" coming through my Quicksilver mono amps.   It drove me insane trying to figure it out.   Turned out be a Glade Plug In air freshener.  When it turned on to warm the scent pack periodically thats when the noise ap... 
AUDIO SCIENCE REVIEW and $50 to spend.........
The Benchmark is a great piece that is everything it's advertised to be.   Again, another product that's measurements approach the limits of testing.   Show me one paragraph where they praised it's sound quality.   I bet you can't  because they ar...