

Responses from oddiofyl

isonic CS6.1-PRO ultrasonic record cleaner
I was thinking of the Humminguru but I'm glad you posted this.   I'm going to check it out. Thanks!  
Anyone compare Zesto with Backert preamps?
I have high expectations for the Toolshed 205d preamp,  but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the Leto.    It is a must audition piece , it's been on many best of lists .    I owned it for about a year and honestly if I could have kept it ... 
DH Labs.
Just picked up the Mirage USB cable.   Excellent cable for the money,  I see no need to spend more.    
I'm almost done.....  waiting on a preamp to be built then I am DONE .      
Law Of Diminishing Returns?
I spent a lot in the past 2 years but the goal was my "End Game" system. My biggest purchase was my amp. I revamped my system in reverse. I bought speakers that will serve me well for a while , but still knowing they probably would not be my last.... 
Anyone compare Zesto with Backert preamps?
Yes, Greenfield Wisconsin .    Matt has been great to work with.     If you click "home"  or refresh the Toolshed home page my amp is the first to pop up in the slide show.    It was worth the money and the wait .    Build quality is over the top... 
Anyone compare Zesto with Backert preamps?
Im kind of roughing it with my back up Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 in the chain but judging the quality of the amp I have no doubt the preamp will be awesome.    
Anyone compare Zesto with Backert preamps?
I had a 300b amp built and I love it so much I am having it's companion DHT preamp built.     It will be similar to this but with a remote , stepped resistor volume    https://www.toolshedamps.com/preamplifiers  
Anyone compare Zesto with Backert preamps?
No experience with Backert, have heard they are great.     I did own the original Zesto Leto and it was an amazing preamp.     Easily the best sounding preamp i have ever had first hand experience with.   Amazing clarity , really commits no sins. ... 
Western Electric 12AX7 coming this summer.
As of now only my headphone amp uses 12ax7.    I would buy a pair I they were reasonably priced.    If they really want to sell volume to the guitar community they have to be $80 -$100 ….  Or less.     I have a few friends that play and I have re... 
Western Electric 12AX7 coming this summer.
I have a pair of WE 300b and I have to say they sound phenomenal.   I was afraid the “recipe “ may change or some other unforeseen problem regarding availability might occur so I bought a second pair.    Crazy? maybe…..  
Western Electric 12AX7 coming this summer.
I wish they would make a 6922 and 274b.    The 274b is actually a WE design so that would be too good to be true   
Sleeper preamps: $500 new/used
Lots of good choices.   I’ll add the Sonic Frontiers SFL-1.    I picked one up for $500 as a back up and it’s been in my system for a few months as I await my DHT preamp that is being built   
Recommendations for a vacum tube tester
Maxi Matcher is what I would buy if I needed precise readings.  Only downside is you really need power and preamp capability you need two machines.      
Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
I agree with others in saying systems that are hard to listento probably have more to do with the room than the gear.