

Responses from oddiofyl

Do You Tell Others How Much You Have Invested in Your System?
As with many of us, my family and friends have no idea what my stuff costs, except my brother who thinks I'm nuts.   Although he will be the first to say it sounds great .... and he is often the recipient of nice audio hand me downs   I really do... 
What is the forums opinion of SVS subs?
I own a REL , its older but still a good sub so I'm not in the market right now.... I auditioned my speakers with a SVS sub and it was really good.  Better than I ever expected.   I would definitely put them on my short list when mine dies   
Another one (server) bites the dust! Aurender N10 vs. N200
Update. Aurender has made some updates and the connection between the N200 and Android Tab is rock solid  
ATC 19's modified using Gr Research kit
Personally I would not modify any ATC speaker.....    They sell upgrades for some legendary brands, what does Danny know that the engineers at ATC, B&W , Dali, Focal, and others don't?     Some of his kits are close in price to these speakers... 
Solid state to tube
Quicksilver is great equipment.    I just pulled a pair of Mid Monos out of service and they were one of the best amps I've ever owned.   Seriously good stuff for the money.   
DACs that do well without a preamp
A great preamp with a fixed level DAC has always performed best for me.  There is no substitute for a great preamp, it is more than just a volume control and switcher  A really good one can transform a system into next level sound quality .   The... 
DACs that do well without a preamp
I've tried DAC direct a few times and put a preamp right back in the chain   
Share Experiences with Ethernet Switches, Ethernet Cables and USB Cables used in Streaming
My switch and fiber optic converter cost $100 and work great.   TP link , close out at half price on Amazon.      
DSP vs New Cables ??
I still use a Velodyne SMS 1 for the very reason Juan points out.   It is much better to use DSP for low frequency problems , use the right main speaker for the job along with room treatment.    
Streamer? Aurender's "caching streaming" ? how important is this feature?
I love my N200.   Sound quality is exceptional,  great machine   
Streamer Upgrade Bluesound Node To Aurender N10
Aurender seems to really be on top of fixing issues.   They made a few tweaks recently.   My Android Tab stays connected , seems like they took care of that problem.    I emailed them through the device for another issue and they were super respon... 
Streamer Upgrade Bluesound Node To Aurender N10
Have had the N200 about a month or so and love it.  Much better sounding than the Vault 2i it replaced   
My Medium List of Amplifiers and my Personal Review of Each !
Cool list that a blue collar music lover can afford.   
Aurender N200
Aurender made some updates to Conductor 3. It seems completely stable now with Andriod . It looks as if the problem with it losing connection has been solved. Much better.  
At this level of high(er) end audio why not offer balanced connections?
Some of the best sounding components ever made use only RCA.   The fact that a component has XLR does not mean it's "better"  .   My last preamp, Zesto Leto had a full set of both RCA and XLR inputs and outputs.   Aside from the difference in gain...