
Responses from ortodox

Horn vs AMT tweeter difference
erik_squires  i am buying new speakers , i had AMT twitter so far , now I'm tempted to go to the horn.  
Wondering if anyone can identify the speaker in this screen grab
Definately Avalon Idea speakers.  
It is indeed a difference , if you have sensitive system. My expiriance  -  from  ordinary  speaker cable to  danish Ansuz Speakz cables :  much more control on high frequncies  and mids. from ordinary power cord on DAC  to  exelent Triode wire ... 
How Much Do Aesthetics Factor Into Your Decisions?
for me a lot.  
Boressen speakers
Better cheaper alternative with similare sound are danish Audiovector speakers. Ansuz cables are exelent , best results with Borresen / Audiovector speakers.  
The best speaker cables you’ve had
Own:   Ansuz speakz P2  -  treble control, better mid and low tones.  
How to test speaker cables by ChatGPT
Music  causes emotions. But this is science fiction for GPT.  
Next High End Bookshelf Upgrade - Marten Parker/Oscar Duo Owners Welcome
Try Audiovector R1 Arrete speakers . They are awsome , better than Marten.  
Dual mono integrated amps
@whipsaw , what speaker cables do you use with A200 ?  
Is there anything better than live recordings?
 the quality of the recording is important , but dsd 256 sounds also awsome.  
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
Hello , and happy new year to all members. I still can not hear my A 200   becouse i must first optimize the furniture for  it.. Does overall has any week spot ?  
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
@hchilcoat , thanks for reply. I hope that A200 will be compatible enough to my speakers Audiovector R1 Arrete , which have sensitivity only 87 Db.  
Zavfino OCC SILVER DART 1.5 power cable
@thyname  i did not have chance to try Zafino. Silver dart is not flexible enough for me. Maybe  zavfino prima-occ mkii power cord is more flexible.  
Candidates for best speakers in the $2000-5000 market
Audiovector R1 Arrete  with incredible AMT speaker.  
Zavfino OCC SILVER DART 1.5 power cable
lalitk and  thyname , thank you very  much for reply. About " mental " ...   The owner of PS audio Paul was answering a reader's question whether hi end is worth it or not. He said : "  I drive a $90,000 Tesla. Is it worth it? No. But it's fun....