
Responses from overthemoon

Fyne 703 vs Sonus Faber Olympia Nova V
I own SF Olympica Nova Vs...I love them. They were my first upgrade so they have seen me change amplifiers from McIntosh to Moon and then up the Moon range. The speakers are my end-game speakers and that was proven when I upgraded from Moon M400s ... 
Turntable Isolation Journey
@has2be I agree no such thing as fighting dirty.    Yet, we have guns because it’s our right we fought for when we declared independence from England :)  
Turntable Isolation Journey
Any one use HRS platforms or racks.  I have a floating floor and isolation of my turntable is a challenge.   
McIntosh to Luxman?
I've owned Mac gear and really enjoyed it.  Then I auditioned it with some Moon gear and I then identified a 'veil' lifted - more dynamics and clarity.   I switched and have enjoyed it.  And really appreciated my time with McIntosh and encourage ... 
Why are People Dumping their Audio Research Gear and What Does it Say about them?
I wonder what Audio Research's agreement with audio dealers has as requirements.  I have seen my favorite store selling ARC demos AND they are selling demo equipment for VTL, Linn, Moon and others.   I wonder if the sales are based on guidance fo... 
Amps on top?
Never heard anything about the shelf location - have read about having x inches clearance for airflow.    
Kimber 4TC Bi-Wire Question
Assuming you have both set hooked up to the amp/integrated and your speakers have 4 connections (pair for high and low) the answer is yes in theory.    If you are exploring alternatives consider buying a set of TC and VC cables. The monocles and ... 
Admitting my error…
I wouldn’t try to ‘build an extensive vinyl library’ though I think having a turntable is enjoyable.    I use my turntable less than 10% of the time and it’s a great way to engage friends who like music.    Digital is good and convenient. And fo... 
Rega P3 vs SOTA Comet III
I prefer Rega because: Lifetime warranty  Simplicity of set up (with Rega cartridges) I appreciate their application of the low mass turntable    audition if you can, it’s your preference that matters.   
The New Amati G5 or Joseph Audio Pearl Graphene
@prof I am envious on your ability to describe sounds so elegantly.  I wouldn’t compare Olympica Nova 3s as a proxy for the Amati G5: Amani is a much more refine speaker 3.5 way versus a 3 way design The details are a whole other level especia... 
Are carbon fiber speaker cabinets inherently better than wood or metal ones
I’m guess here. The speaker designer is making compromises throughout the design process and view the various designs as a system.    I imagine Sonus faber believes using natural materials for the cabinet is a critical aspect of their design. An ... 
The "audiophile gear" I REALLY need is a damn house.
@grislybutter I am very pleased with my gear - I have listened to a variety of gear and I like there sound and I think it’s value is second to none.    @james633 I like it loud; my view of loud though is 85 db or so. My neighbor is very agreeable... 
The "audiophile gear" I REALLY need is a damn house.
Damn - I live downtown. Quiet is 30 db I concur on a good headphone amp and headphones.  Excellent options and can be a different experience vs 2 channel system.   
Shootout: Roon versus Plex, Qobuz versus Tidal: Who Won?
Thanks for sharing!   I have Plex and its how I get Tidal also have Roon so plex is just my backup file  
The New Amati G5 or Joseph Audio Pearl Graphene
I am curious on what you decide because I think your choices are win-win. I have listened to the Amanti G5 powered by Audio Research 160 stereo, Moon 860AV2 and Boulder's 300 watt amp.  I think they sound awesome.