The "audiophile gear" I REALLY need is a damn house.

I'm here in my apartment trying to enjoy the Coachella streams and feeling self-conscious about 30 measly watts because my always-quiet neighbors have their front door open trying to enjoy a beautiful spring day. I need a house out in the middle of nowhere so I can actually turn up without bothering people.


I might not have much but the space between neighbors is something I am grateful for.

I try live by the maxim of not making neighborhood noise with the expectation of receiving the same courtesy. Unfortunately, most folks think the opposite whereby they make as much noise as they want while allowing you to do the same. Makes for noisy environments. I’m looking at you yard machines guy. Thankfully, the basement is silent. Like 18dB.

Damn - I live downtown. Quiet is 30 db

I concur on a good headphone amp and headphones.  Excellent options and can be a different experience vs 2 channel system. 

Not just a house but tucked in a basement helps. I like to listen loud (100db) from time to time just for a handful of tracks but it is nice.Â