

Responses from painter24

Atoll IN200SE Integrated Amplifier
Not that I'm aware of, but if you watch A British Audiophile's review of the IN200 on YT (he does an IN300 review too, but I don't recall much about that video), he gives a good tour/overview of the inside 👍  
Pop album that has stood the test of time
I was a teen in the 80’s, so grew up on this stuff, so these artists and albums carry a lot of nostalgia and happy memories, but for me they have stood the test of time and hold their own today: Talk Talk - everything they released REM - everyth... 
Top 10 Live Albums
I'm not a live album lover usually, but 2 I've been listening to for a very long time and revisit quite often are: Tim Buckley - Dream Letter - Live in London 1968 CSNY - Four Way Street The Tim Buckley offering is insanely good; IMHO this is p... 
Atoll IN200SE Integrated Amplifier
I'm from the UK, there's a dealer who I've bought and sold items with. He has 2 black IN200 Signatures and the IN400 Signature, but no IN300. He ships international. All 3 units are ex-demo from my local dealer. They've cleared their Atoll demo st... 
EverSolo DMP-A8 with Denafrips Pontus 15th, both have i2S
Should be fine 👍. I use a 60cm AQ Carbon (shortest length they make), works no problem  
EverSolo DMP-A8 with Denafrips Pontus 15th, both have i2S
@tom899  hope you enjoy the Pontus 15th; I've had mine since June. I also moved from an Ares (12th-1). I don't think you'll be disappointed 👍 Let us know what you think once it's arrived   Happy Listening 👍😊  
EverSolo DMP-A8 with Denafrips Pontus 15th, both have i2S
As has been pointed out; if the clock in the DMP-A8 isn't as good as that in the Pontus, or indeed a Denafrips DDC, by using I2S out of the streamer in to the Pontus could mean you maybe actually losing performance not gaining any.  Whether the c... 
Atoll IN200SE Integrated Amplifier
Atoll have recently launched their new Evo line which I believe replaces the Signature line. You may see more "Signature" amps coming on the pre-loved market soon.  The new Evo line still follows the same naming conventions apart from the "Evo"; ... 
Help with Denafrips Iris 12th to Ares 12th-1 - I2S, no audio
Hi OP   I had the exact same setup, and experienced the same problem with the Iris via IS2 into the Ares 12th-1. What worked for me was, with the 2 units connected, unplug both from the mains, leave for a minute or 2 and try again. I'm not sur... 
Eversolo DMP-A8
Thanks guys. I never did go with the Eversolo in the end. The less than favourable comments on AG regarding Firmware issues and general customer support put me off. I stuck with my Innuos Zen Mini mkiii   
Do you have a perfect digital marriage?
Ok here goes 😊 Innuos Zen Mini mkiii w/ Innuos LPS -> USB to Denafrips Iris DDC -> Denafrips Pontus 15th  The qualities you quoted: "Organic, clean, musical, great separation of instruments, dynamic" Are exactly those I experience and ... 
Should I add a DDC?
Great, thanks guys, well done, you've got me thinking Hermes too now 🤣  
Should I add a DDC?
Yep, with the Pontus 👍  
Should I add a DDC?
Can only mirror jastralfu’s observations. I added an Iris to my Ares 12th-1, which I then replaced with the Pontus 15th; more of the same but with the uplift from upgrading to the Pontus Good luck, let us know how you get on if you decide to pul... 
Denafrips Pontus *15th* ?
I’ve never heard a Venus or the previous Pontus versions so can’t compare with my Pontus 15th, but from what I’ve seen on YT this does seem to be the case. Jay’s Iyagi review of the 15th popped on YT yesterday; he was of the same opinion. His adv...