
Responses from palasr

rumble issues - see old thread update
Dan,If you think the Minus K is pricey (and you're correct, it's not given the price of something like an HRS rack, a Grand Prix Monaco or many lesser performing aluminum, polymer and glass monstrosities) take a look at the Halcyonics device. We'r... 
kit kokomo for garrard 401
Some folks in the UK have reported mixed results with this bearing mod: up extensively before investing. 
What do you NOT plug into the power conditioner...
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Macdadtexas,Which pressing of the Yes Album is that, and is it any good? The AP reissue of "Fragile" is absolutely awful - certainly audiophile-y, but they sterilized (?digitized?) it to such an extent that the record sounds dead and lifeless and ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Nice "introduction"! BTW, thank you again Rushton for your comprehensive list of recommended organ recordings on LP. I've managed to track down a half dozen or so, and they are all very fine indeed.-Richard 
Vinyl pops and clicks: Can they be eliminated??
If you have extremely steady hands, a bright light and a good loupe (10X Tripplet minimum, glass not plastic) you can usually "pick out" the offending material or deformed vinyl wall. I have done this on several occasions. My tool of choice is usu... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
Dgad's points are indeed valid - in fact, true optimization of the analog front end is a time consuming, laborious task that takes much longer than the optimistic numbers Dgad postulates (unless you happen to have a stroke of dumb luck, or you're ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Dvorak - Slavonic Dances/MartinonRoberta Flack - Killing Me SoftlyXTC - English Settlement/UK pressingPaul Simon - There Goes Rhymin' Simon 
Attention K&K phono pre owners:
I just installed the new plate-load CCS mod and new input FET last night. Initial impressions are extremely favorable. I'll need at least a couple of days to let everything settle and break in after which I'll post more detailed sonic impressions. 
Why not horns?
Aw, come on Dan, let us know how you really feel ;-)) LMFAO!! 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
Just saw Steve Hackett (and Renaissance) live here in Albany. Hackett had a great band that could turn on a dime, but I felt they had too much PA for the room (The Egg). I generally don't require earplugs at this venue, but now I know...Beyond tha... 
Which cost more: your system or your car?
System, by several times over. 
New arm DaVinci, TW-Acustic or?
I do, I do. Sometimes, though, you just gotta say...and get away for a day. ;-)-Richard 
New arm DaVinci, TW-Acustic or?
Sounds like a road trip is in my future. #9, #9, #9, #9..... 
Amp for Coincident Super Eclipse
I concur with both Jax2 & R_f_sayles. While I too have not heard the Coincident Frankensteins in my system, my Total Eclipse certainly want more than SET power especially in the low end. Tubes are essential, but I would consider 25-30 watts a ...