
Responses from palasr

Speakers that are RAP music proof
What you want is a large array of 6X9 Spark-o-Matics, for that 20% bass pre-distortion, to easier emulate the sound of rattling car interior panels. I just love that distant farting sound that so tunefully emits from a 95 Lexus...maybe it's the fa... 
Hurricane Irene
...annual washing? Eew... It was rather wet and rainy here in Albany. My rain gauge read 6.4", and the local NWS office recorded a peak wind gust of 59 MPH. Everything stayed in one piece, the power stayed on, and the sump pump ran. Now if the Moh... 
Saw Steely Dan
I agree with your assessment regarding Steely Dan, Bill. Not so much with Dylan; while I've seen him several times over the years with performances ranging from OK to mesmerizing, the last time I saw him (around 8 years ago) the SOB played for 55 ... 
Is preamp remote volume a deal breaker for you?
"...with the ability to drive long cables also came the ability to obviate the artifact of the cable itself- so the length and cost of the cable has no bearing on the sound of the system".Ralph, Are you suggesting that Atmasphere owners could sell... 
Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........
Keithr - As much as I want to like it, the new Bon Iver LP just isn't doing it for me. While I enjoy some of the tunes, there's something rather detached and distant about it, and it simply doesn't give me the emotion that the first LP has in spad... 
Teflon washers for cart, were can I get these?
Agreed regarding source of Teflon washers, and the superiority of stainless steel in that application. Most metal washers are stamped, and hence have a perfectly smooth side to them, which should face the headshell - the other side has a slight ra... 
Tri-Planar with no anti-skate?
Lewm, I am talking about an increase in VTF by a tiny amount - considerably less than a hundredth of a gram. At the same time, when we speak of measuring THD as it relates to AS what is it exactly we are hearing? I think on the TP, the AS dogleg c... 
Tri-Planar with no anti-skate?
Same cart, same arm, different table. Ultimately, I found that I preferred the increased resolution over the added sense of body, weight or gravity to the note; as such, I've removed the monofilament and dogleg completely. I've found that adding a... 
A good start on selecting cables?
Mceljo- I agree. In fact blind recommendations (usually via forums, magazine reviews, etc) plus the placebo of 'it costs more so it must be better' have kept many a cable manufacturer in business for a long time. Being purely objective in one's as... 
Best Rock Album in 2011
Thus Far:Cave Singers - No WitchBill Callahan - ApocalypseDestroyer - KaputtPaul Simon - So Beautiful or So WhatOkkervil River - I Am Very FarFleet Foxes - Helplessness BluesAll on LP. 
A good start on selecting cables?
The Cable Company seconded; you can go through a lot of cables, listen, and finally decide which you'd like to buy - in a situation like yours, it's the only way to go unless you enjoy spending a lot of money for naught. Every system is different,... 
Phono preamp comparison: Herron vs. K&K
While I can't comment directly, as I've always owned the fully "Maxxed-Out" version of the K&K - I will say that every incremental upgrade I've installed over the years has reaped huge dividends on the overall sound - better from top to bottom... 
Hammond b-3 organ
I agree fully with Zaikesman's assessment of Potato Hole. I literally played it twice (to make sure), and sold it. 
Phono preamp comparison: Herron vs. K&K
One thing I point out to everyone who tries the K&K: give it time to break in. The change up to around 200 hours of actual signal time is monumental. Things continue to get better up to about 4-500 hours. There's a lot of transformer wire in t... 
Pink Floyd
"I've had the Pink Floyd library in hi-rez for decades. It's called vinyl."Too funny, and spot-on accurate!