Responses from pbnaudio
Phono Preamp - 2k budget? Switching on the input side of an amplifier with 64dB if gain is very difficult. We did attempt to do a B2B with 3 inputs, switchable gain loading, both capacitive and resistive loading. Getting it quiet was impossible. Buy two B2B-1 🎶👍 | |
Power amplifiers with selector Class of operation? Have made our Olympia Series of amplifiers with a Low Bias / High Bias switch for years. https://pbnaudio.com/eb-sa-amplifiers/Good ListeningPeter | |
Affordable SET's with 211 or 300B tubes, (2000 dolllars maximum) https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F123769863103This one has both Good ListeningPeter | |
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927? Nandric How about a EMT 950 ?Thank youPeter | |
... WHAT POWER CORD(S) ARE PLAYING IN YOU SYSTEM TODAY? https://www.amazon.com/C2G-Premium-Universal-IEC320C13-Compliant/dp/B00009OLLS/ref=sr_1_5?crid=9ZVGF...:-)Good ListeningPeter | |
Dunlavy resurrection? Just tried the contact pad on the site - goes straight through www.pbnaudio.comThank youPeter | |
Dunlavy resurrection? Twoloftears pbnaudio@me.comThank you Peter | |
Anyone use auto lifters? Opinions Thrulift is an excellent lift it’s gentle and well thought out. On lighter tonearms like the Triplanar U12 it’s excellent. The original AudioTechnica 6061 is a little more coarse in its operation - on a heavier tonearm like the Kuzma 4P 14 it wor... | |
phono pre-amp being replaced Consider the Liberty B2B-1, and Yes I do make them :-)https://libertyaudio.com/service/b2b-1-all-fet-phono-preamplifier/Good ListeningPeter | |
Balanced vs RCA between amp/preamp Regarding ground connection being connected first and disconnected last IS true if one wire the balanced connections as perhaps intended. The shell which has the 4th terminal on a 3 prong XLR connector is intended for Chassis ground. XLR connect... | |
Why According to some Turntable extremists Pitch Control and Direct Drive is Sacrilege? The EMT 950 is a fantastic Turntable - I own one - among dozens of other tables, in use are only DD tables. As far as speed accuracy nothing really comes close to the EMT 950 - the Denon DP80 and the DN 308 perhaps. Heres a small video of the... | |
Top ten DD turntables of all time? @petg60Could not agree more :-)https://pbnaudio.com/pbn-dn308/Good ListeningPeter | |
Plinth ideas for DENON PD-80 DD turntable I use Royal Purple Synthetic lubricant for lubrication of the bearings.https://www.royalpurple.com/product/synfilm-recip-100-reciprocating-air-compressor-oil/Good ListeningPeter | |
Plinth ideas for DENON PD-80 DD turntable Your all welcomeClarification - the 50/60 Hz switch only function is to add capacitance to the motor capacitor nothing else. And all units are 100V so a step-down transformer is required for long term reliability. Good ListeningPeter | |
Plinth ideas for DENON PD-80 DD turntable chaksterThe bottom bearing "holding" plate comes off by removing 3 screws, so its pretty easy. I have added 3 photos on the Systems page for the DD tables. The last three ones https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/6431Good ListeningPeter |