

Responses from pbnaudio

Recent purchase - JBL 4410 Studio Monitors (Restoration Needs?)
http://www.jblpro.com/pub/obsolete/4410.pdfGod ListeningPeter 
Step down transformers detrimental to SQ?
NC fanActually it is easier for a transformer to run on 60Hz than 50Hz so that would be a non issue.Good Listening Peter  
Step down transformers detrimental to SQ?
MillerCarbon,Your spreading some ignorant nonsense.  Most places in the US have close to 120VAC - and if running an apparatus with a 100VAC primary winding you will end up with 20% over voltage on the input to all  internal DC regulators in it.   ... 
Stroboscopic disk sets wrong speed for turntable?
The Roadrunners Tachometers were an excellent product - and as stated earlier we have developed a replacement product for them.  Theres a few mechanical chassis parts left to be manufactured but the circuit etc is complete.  It works "identical" t... 
JBL - almost nothing for sale, why?
MSRP $30KGood ListeningPeter 
JBL - almost nothing for sale, why?
https://pbnaudio.com/m25-loudspeaker/From it’s makerGood Listening Peter  
Full Range under $5k-ish
https://libertyaudio.com/service/x-vox-loudspeaker-system/From its makerGood ListeningPeter 
Want to upgrade my cartridge from 2m blue to black
Chakster - I'm going to try that Astatic MF100 on your recommendation - I do most of my listening with top flight MC - have curtly installed A90/Lyra Olympos/ Lyra Atlas/ Ortofon Cadenza Black/ and the 2M Black on a "red" body :-) - you know the t... 
Want to upgrade my cartridge from 2m blue to black
The 2M black body is made of a different material to that of the blue, there are also component differences inside. Silver wire for example.Where the heck did you get this info ?Have both cartridges and many more - they are identicalGood Listening... 
Want to upgrade my cartridge from 2m blue to black
bsmgAs I describe above, any of the 2M styli is mountable on the two "different" body types - which physically are the same.  The "differences" are electrical, the "better" ones go to the Bronze/Black series the "lesser" ones to the Red/BlueTake a... 
Want to upgrade my cartridge from 2m blue to black
The Black stylus can be swapped into any of the 2M bodies the difference is that the "better" ones gets selected for the Bronze and Black - the runts for the Red and Blue.  The electrical specs are listed as 1.2kOhm for the Bronze and Black - 1.3k... 
Best budget A/C cable for Krell?
https://www.amazon.com/Treadmill-Elliptical-HEAVY-DUTY-Power/dp/B01LY5HI3I/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qi...:-)Good ListeningPeter  
Long XLR cables - DIY construction suggestions?
https://www.bluejeanscable.com/store/balancedaudio/index.htmNot worth the effort - buy professionally terminated,  inexpensive high quality cable at Blue Jeans Cable.Good ListeningPeter  
Looking for a mid-priced TT to install my 2M Black Cart
Bsmg,To me a DD table is a much more engaging and dynamic presentation of the music than any belt drive - and I've have made plenty of both.  I have never had a customer that upgraded to a DD table tell me that they did not prefer it to a Belt Dri... 
Looking for a mid-priced TT to install my 2M Black Cart
BsmgWatch these two videos, this table is a Denon DP80 modified into a GrooveMaster Vintage Direct DP80 Professional.  https://www.facebook.com/170947997876/videos/pcb.10154978720007877/10154978712417877/?type=3&the...https://www.facebook.com/...