Responses from pbnaudio
Does it annoy you when companies don't show the internals of electronics ? Oldhywmec, Where do you get your information ? Your way off your rockers. In case you do not understand business, let me explain. The preamplifier I posted a link to is the Olympia LXi, it has a MSRP of $22K, the dealer gets half of this amount ... | |
Does it annoy you when companies don't show the internals of electronics ? Oldhvymec You obviously have no fing clue as to what your looking at. I assume you are referring to the Volume Control ? Which is a fully balanced relay based attenuator. Perhaps put on your spectacles and give it a closer look.Good ListeningPeter | |
Does it annoy you when companies don't show the internals of electronics ? You mean like this :-)https://pbnaudio.com/olympia-li-lxi/Good ListeningPeter | |
Kuzma 4 Point Tonearm Have installed several Kuzma 4 point 14 and a single 4 point 11. To me they are very robust sounding arms, lots of weight to the sound. We used a 4P14 at the last show we did. https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2019/06/23/pbn-audio-does-it-all-t-h-e-... | |
$10K Budget for Speakers: Martin Logan Masterpiece vs Tannoy https://pbnaudio.com/custom-speakers/Scroll to the bottom of this page :-)And yes I do make themGood ListeningPeter | |
Cartridge reliability Whats your Budget like and what are you going to mount the cartridge on ?Have had many Lyra Cartridges they are excellent, Clear Audio, Excellent too. Dynavector superb as well. Look into ZYX too they sound fantastic. There literally are so many... | |
CJ MF2550 Replacing the power amp fuss https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Littelfuse/0312006VXP?qs=sGAEpiMZZMsZt0HrY5I79vFBujLPu1TbAH1PHi...Good ListeningPeter | |
Best 40 to 50k used speakers https://pbnaudio.com/mr-777at/Good ListeningPeter | |
Moving to France https://www.amazon.com/3000W-Transformer-ST-Pro-Heavy-Duty-Goldsource/dp/B07KGMK47S/ref=sr_1_3?dchil... Take one of these with you and you are good to goà votre santéPeter | |
l want to build a solid wood turntable https://pbnaudio.com/groovemaster-vintage-direct/Easily done :-)Good ListeningPeter | |
Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?.. Rauna from Norway or Sweden made transmission line speakers made from Concrete about 40 years ago, they did sound pretty good for their time. Danish Advance Loudspeakers also made concrete enclosures back then. Both companies used a fiber filled c... | |
Minimonitors https://pbnaudio.com/m15-loudspeaker/ not exactly a mini monitor , and yes I make them Good ListeningPeter | |
Package Lost in US Customs It can take a while - just be patient - it'll eventually show up - Ordered some tubes on March 7th they showed up last Friday. Once I ordered 12 turntable Copper mats from Germany the took 14 weeks to get here all via DHL - its shipped in contain... | |
Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive I have both the DN 308 :-) (actually I have several of them ) and a EMT 950 booth are excellent machines.https://pbnaudio.com/pbn-dn308/Good ListeningPeter | |
Most Musical 6NS7 tube for a Preamp? Try some old Red Base RCA 5692 - the very best 6SN7 there ever was. The go for about $100 on average https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F174260219898These are what your looking for - just as an example... |