Responses from pbnaudio
Help with DIY dedicated circuit If you have to ask how to connect wires within a junction box I’d suggest getting professional help.Best of luckPeter | |
DIY - Two kits using similar tweeter to Tekton http://www.pbnaudio.com/speakers/speaker-kits/xmaxHeres another oneGood ListeningPeter | |
Top resistors https://www.parts-express.com/mills-5-ohm-12w-non-inductive-resistor--005-5 | |
Best used speakers under $10000 http://www.libertyaudio.com/products/x-vox-loudspeaker-systemFrom its maker Good Listening Peter | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? ebm,They are long gone dude :-) | |
Replacing fuse Geoff,No documentation like this for an example http://www.littelfuse.com/~/media/electronics/datasheets/fuses/littelfuse_fuse_325_326_datasheet.pdf...I purposefully picked the ceramic body ones - this way - should you decide to buy some, you ca... | |
Dynavector retiped If refurbished by the original manufacturer it’ll be as good as new - if by any other it’ll be a different cartridge - which not necessarily a bad thing. SoundSmith does excellent work - highly recommended Good Listening Peter | |
Replacing fuse Geoff,Any fuse supplied to NASA or any other Aviation Enterprise must be tested and supplied with documentation detailing repeated tests detailing that it works as intended. Hardly the case of all the BS that souround “Audiophile” fuses. The kind ... | |
McIntosh (MC601) amplifier overheating problem http://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/NJL3281D-D.PDFMay not be that easy 😄Best of LuckPeter | |
McIntosh (MC601) amplifier overheating problem Just thinking out of the bag here - if the choice of output transistor is questionable - and from what I read in this thread this is likely the case - is there a substitute available which does not suffer from this ailment? There is literally 100s... | |
Anyone have a Little Fwend tonearm lifter? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Audio-Technica-AT-6006-Tonearm-Safety-Raiser/253783436787?hash=item3b16abed...I think above was the original that all the other are copied from.Good ListeningPeter | |
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money @inna https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F271240646624The most acurate and rugged mechanical watch ever - and I have owned several Rolex too. I get the pride of owner ship in a diamond crusted rose gold... | |
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money @geoffkait Well finally you admit you don't have a system powered up - oh wait - let me guess your system works on teleportation power and signal transfer ? Good ListeningPeter | |
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money https://www.bluejeanscable.com/store/audio/indexmob.htm98% performance for 10% cost Good Listening Peter | |
Technics Turntables...really??? @atmasphere The bearings in the Triplanar may be the hardest available, however the VTA tower is a little "loose" dont you think. Don't get me wrong I like the Triplanar very much and have a 12". I have devised a collar for the Tripalnar that s... |