

Responses from pdreher

Music reference/ audio research / vpi
For premium tubes, I recommend you call Andy at Vintage Tube Services 616.454.3467.He's probably the most knowledgeable and trusted retailer of premium quality tubes.   My only word of caution is that he is a one man show, so it can take several w... 
Music reference/ audio research / vpi
I'd use RAM KT88's and maybe play with some NOS signal tubes, then upgrade your preamp to something from CAT, Aesthetix or go up the Audio Research food chain.  
Is it possible to not see all the albums / CDs for sale?
Ditto!!!I posted on the same topic a few weeks back, but did a poor job explaining my beef, so it didn't get much traction.The original version of Audiogon had a separate section for recordings and did not mix ads for music with ads for gear.I fin... 
Music reference/ audio research / vpi
fanotunes,I guess you picked up the nice pair of 40.1's recently listed for $6,700?  If so, you got a great deal on those puppies!  I think you will be amazed how organic and natural they sound.  I've heard other's refer to Harbeth's 40 series as ... 
Music reference/ audio research / vpi
I've not owned an Audio Research preamp, so I couldn't tell you if it would be compatible with the RM9.  I use an Aesthetix Calypso Signature and love it.  You can buy the standard Calypso used for around $2,500.  
Music reference/ audio research / vpi
I've not heard the RM200, but have read it doesn't sound like a traditional tube amp and is almost solid state sounding in some respects.   I've owned a VAC Phi 200 which is KT88 based, like the 300.1.  I didn't find VAC's KT88 sound as rich... it... 
Why do Cyrus get such praise from What HiFi???
Of all the audio publications available, What HiFi has always struck me as being very half-baked fluff, with no substance.   I would never use What HiFi to influence or justify a purchase.  The reviews are so poorly done, it makes you wonder if th... 
Two Type of sound and listener preference are there more?
Most of my favorite recordings are in live settings, but I'm definitely a Type 2 listener.  I'm also a big fan of tubes, which I perceive many Type 1 listeners look down upon because they claim they add coloration that distorts accuracy. 
need your help on this one.....
No, as long as you left it on 24/7 in A/B mode, the warm-up once you toggle over to class A only took 20 minutes or so. 
need your help on this one.....
Soix... yes, I left my Plinius on 24/7 and toggled over to the more energy efficient class AB when not listening, then back over to class A for listening sessions.  I think most ss amps and ss audio equipment in general sounds best when left on 24/7. 
Verity speakers opinions/experience?
I've never heard them, but the Parsifal Encore's have always been on my Mount Rushmore of speakers I wanted to own.  Verity has a strong reputation and Agon members who's opinions I respect  & trust speak highly of them.    
Diana Krall
It's all a matter of personal taste.  I have two Nina Simone CD's but prefer DK by a wide margin.   There is no wrong or right when it comes to personal preferences.  My Dad loved Perry Como and the Lawrence Welk show, whereas I like DK and The Da... 
need your help on this one.....
I agree with poster "seasoned" that Plinius have to be left on all of the time to sound their best.  Plinius SA 102 was the best ss amp I've owned, but I'm a tube guy and my exposure to ss amps is limited.Based upon feedback from others on this ch... 
need your help on this one.....
Watts are over-rated in my opinion, unless you have an extremely large room, highly inefficient speakers and like to play LOUD.  Current, quality of parts, design and build quality should play a larger role in your decision process.    Pass and Pl... 
Old or new gear
I own, previously own or recommend the following previously mentioned amps:Music Reference RM 200.  I own their RM9 MKII from the mid 1990's and it's a classic amp that can be had for about $2,300... have it re-tubed from RAM Tubes for about $550 ...