Responses from pinthrift
Turntable platforms ...a second shout-out for bone dry sand box. In a jouncy room in a rental situation years back, full blown SOTA Star Sapphire rig (see posts) after the usual attempts..bladders, footers etc...a dead added plinth upon the sand, carefully leveled u... | |
End of the World system ...hell, with every mechanical noisemaker down, nature offers the world's finest possible sounds. Even order harmonics rule. Oh, my wife, the ever-Yankee.."Six feet?..that's sorta close isn't it?" More Peace, Pin | |
Is it all worth it? Hey Bros & Sis's in lock-down! Ain't it a shame when one gets their system going to its max, we're unable to go visit nor have visitors. Grrrr. My "solution" to listening to great vinyl playback, is to have friends. My pal has a huge soun... | |
Any reason not to place stand mounted speakers upside down? Hey wipsaw,Some years ago, I purchased a pair of sight-unseen 24" Target stands for use with my Salk Veracity HT1s from an acquaintance who had them stored at his parent's house, instate. They turned out to be 28" stands, so I faced the same dile... | |
Considering going back to Solid State theo ..thanks for sharing.As I read responses, I also thought of the possibility of a good passive preamp try. Mine is a more budget 2 channel, however, I enjoyed the honesty of a Goldpoint SA4 before going to an... | |
More questions about dedicated lines Hi tech-talk,Exciting times building a sound room. Congrats! I read with interest a good part of the responses, but didn't see much about outlets. I live close to a large FM tower. The power company came and tested our power then installed a new... | |
Directionality of Loudspeaker Cables Hrrrrrmmmm...Thanks so much for your responses, especially your deep dive, Al. In the late 90's, a friend was designing ic, speaker and power cables that competed with the expensive cables of the day. I would R&D with him in a fine system th... | |
What is your top priority items on Black Friday Sale. As a non-headphone music lover for 60+ years, I've been having fun with a little headphone rig sourced from Drop (Massdrop): | |
TUBE or SS PATHS Hi. Thanks for responses. This is how I responded to John, crossing over with some of your points it appears. ...John, methinks you want someone to give you "your" answer, so you may never be satisfied with ours. As a subjective music lover,... | |
A moderate priced dac Oh, and old-school: Pin | |
A moderate priced dac Hi audiomazeI am going to hammer away at this, sorry Folks. Please, please do research modern DSP (Digital Sound Processing) and/or find someone highly skilled at modern applications of it. ANY downside is overwhelmingly overtaken by the amazing... | |
Very small room systems and synergy Hi gmc56I've been "working" what is essentially a "cube" 10'x10x71/2' for nearly 2 decades. If you back read some of my posts, there may be some insights to help your journey. Please do not discount the benefits of today's digital sound processi... | |
Salk Audio Sound racarlson Hi. Interesting as the Pulsars in my reading (never heard) would seem to be a logical next step UP from the Salk monitors. Would you mind sharing the back story? Thanks, Pin | |
Salk Audio Sound thecarpathian...simply squeezing the metals together. YW | |
Impact of phase inversion by preamp Hrmmm. My first encounter was in the early 80's in Transparent Audio's humble showroom basement of a house in Hollis, Maine. I had brought a few audiophile records to sample the Electrocompaniet Ampliwire II amplifier, which, along with early Ma... |