

Responses from pwdmark

Ideal power cord lengths?
Great thread and info! Since I DIY my PC's, just ordered new bulk. I will use existing Wattgate connectors to test before converting each cable to a new length. It's as good a time as any to order a couple different brands of bulk to try. Checked... 
Anyone else feel like it’s the Wild Wild West?
Good thread and many good comments. Has it really been 40 years since they were debating DAT vs. CD as the "New" music selling medium? I've owned a Node and a Lumin... Lumin by far. I've owned a Denafrips Iris DDC... Prior to the Lumin worth eve... 
Best Rock Drummers
At 60 years old, and on another world tour... Danny Carey is untouchable. Bill Bruford was his mentor and used to perform clinics with Carl Palmer.    
Pass INT-25 better than Wilsenton R8?
Why no love for the R800i?    
Competitive class D amp suggestions
Jeff Rowland Model 125. A friend just purchased a pair for his Maggie's and loves them.  
most beautiful (looking) speakers
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. May I have your opinions on Tektons? @Millercarbon is an advocate, but certainly not just for looks. I am personally drawn to high end Magico's, Dynaudios, I would say B&W (owned 5 pair), but even with th... 
Recommendation for a highly resolving amp
Maybe, just maybe your excellent amp needs a tune up. The .8 series is 8 or 9 years old, the .5's obviously older. Nelson is as good as they get. I would still have my 250.5 if I had room. 
Does Heavy Metal music benefit from a high end audio system?
My personal Best Alternative Metal album for 2021..... ERRA (Self Title.)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMlHYe2FsD0 
Does Heavy Metal music benefit from a high end audio system?
Great post! I am a R&R lifer. Also a musician until I was 35. I purchased Electric Ladyland the day it was released, same with his other albums. Same with Blue Cheer, all Zep, Black Sabbath... Like many of you.  The difference is although I st... 
Aged components / service!?
+1 for Dynaco and Hafler. David was quite the amp engineer. My 51 year old Hafler DH-220 sounds sounds so right after Musical Concepts brought it up to modern specs on 12/31/1989, Then three months ago it was literally rebuilt, meaning very little... 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
If I'm going to get lambasted again for posting (been a member 14 years), where is that "Madrical?" Is that his call name? Always fascinated that you guys leave him totally alone to go on and on about tuning the room and all the books on sound and... 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
Was this not a topic 3-4 weeks ago? It is at least encouraging that as a group you have found the reason you get few newbies, keep even less. They could make a huge dent in the "old mans club" problem. Limit posters to a reasonable amount of month... 
Is There Any Reason To Buy A Reel-To-Reel Machine Nowadays??
Just finished reading your review of the review of the Naim Solstice. Been out of vinyl 26 years, but it holds a place close in my heart. When I started listening critically to music I had a 4 track hard wired in one of my Hippiemobiles.I'm sure s... 
Underwood Hifi / Underwood Wally...
I'm sorry, this subject goes through my head every night in bed. It isn't Underwood HiFi you need worry about, it's some of these vultures right here on Agon. Mid to late 2000's, purchased a Bel Canto DAC that I had spoken to Wally about. I don't ... 
Denafrips/Vinshine not everything they were built up to be.
jjss49.... tell Alvin I am a retired American citizen and AG member for 14 years. Tell him I am the son of a 30 year career vet of WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Bronze Star, Purple Heart. That is who raised me. I don't even know what "click bait" is bu...