
Responses from rbstehno

Advice on Totem model ones
you need an amp with quite a bit more power for the Totem's. I also have a pair of these and I use a pair of Odyssey Monoblock amps and the speakers sound fantastic. See if you can borrow an amp with power and then listen to the Totem's. The Totem... 
SS Pre amps Krell KRC-3 vs Classe 47.5 vs BAT VK
i have the classe 47.5 preamp w/phono board. I liked it better than other preamps that I auditioned that cost much more. Currently using balanced connections to cd player and to the amplifiers. Unit is built like a tank, and the sound is very smoo... 
Speaker cable suggestions
I agree with Pops and Sean. I am currently using 2 pairs of Alpha Core's MI3 cables to bi-wire my totem model 1 speakers. Very nice. I have auditioned many cables from Cardas, Transparent, Audioquest Everest, and others and I like the sound that t... 
Mono block suggestions
Check out the Odyssey Monoblock amps. I have had a pair for over a year and enjoy them very much. I had Klaus apply the upgrades that he offers. 
Totem's "Hawk" and "Forrest":How Hi-End Are They?
The Totem's that I own are anything but brash and glaring in the upper mids/lower highs. The sound that Chams_uk heard was probably due to the speakers not broken in or the front end equipment. Check out other reviews and your best bet is to demo ... 
Speaker advice: $1200 budget
I also like the Totem line of speakers. I have a pair of their Model 1's (biwired) in my audio room (matched up with a REL Strata III sub) and a pair of Arro's for my den. The Sttaf, Hawks, and Forest speakers are also very nice but the model 1's ... 
Best Small Sub? Sunfire, Velodyne, Rel, Def Tech
i have owned the definitive pf15 sub before for home theater and it was a decent sub. I currently own 2 NHT sub two subs for my home theater and for ht use, they are very good. For audio, I use a REL Strata III with my totem model 1's. Excellent s... 
What subwoofer can i use with my speakers?
I own a new REL Strata III and love it. I have it teamed up with my Totem Model 1's. 
Speakers that leave room to upgrade front-end
I currently use a pair of Totem model 1's in my audio room (matched with a REL sub) and a pair of Totem Arro's in my den. The Arro's are made for small rooms and can be placed close to the back wall. Check out the reviews. For a small speaker, you... 
Best speaker in the $4-6k range.
I agree with subaruguru on the revel's over the aerial's. There are many speakers out there that are more musical than the aerials for less money. If you are going to keep the krell, listen to the revel, totem, sonus faber, and joseph line of spea... 
Suggestions for small bookshelf speakers?
I own a pair of Totem's Arro speakers in my den's system. Very nice. They are made to work well in small room and close placement to the back wall. I also own a pair of toem model 1's and I would not suggest placing these on a shelf or using a sma... 
Krell KSA200s bi-wire vs. 2 Yamaha MX1000 bi-amp
I don't agree about the Yamaha amps being wimpy. Before selling your Yamaha's, try to do an in house demo of both amps. Also, Krell's sound is too harsh to me and I have heard Krell setup with a set of ML speakers and they did not do justice to th... 
Read My List
i would recommend the Classe cap151 or the Mcintosh MA6500 integrated. I used to power a set of NHT 2.9's with the Mcintosh, and it made the nht's sound smoother. I eventually went with Classe seperates and really enjoy the sound of the Classe gear. 
Seeking Great Cool Runnin' SS Amp...
i have the Odyssey monoblock amps. I leave them on all the time and they are very cool to the touch, even at loud volumes. great pair of amps. I prefer these to the mcintosh amps i have owned, and to the classe, plinius, sim audio, etc... that i a... 
Opinions AV recievers under 1000 new or used
I sold a Yamaha dsp-3090 integrated amp/processor which was highly rated. the only reason i got rid of it was the lack of DTS. I purchased the Yamaha rxv1 amp/processor/tuner to replace the 3090. I have owned Yamaha gear for almost 30 years and I ...