Responses from rbstehno
Speaker priority: high or low??? I also agree with Beemer. It is not just 1 piece that makes a system, it is how all pieces work together. Spend $5000 on an amp, $5000 on speakers, and $200 on a cd player or $200 on a turntable cartridge, you get crap. An amplifier nor speakers w... | |
Musical amp/pre/integrated for Maggies 1.6Qr I liked the Mcintosh 6500 and the 6900. i owned the 6500 for about 1 year. Very nice but not enough power for my 4 way inefficient speakers. The Classe and Plinius integrated amps are also very nice. | |
Reasonable preamps with phono stage I have a Classe 47.5 with the optional mm/mc phono card installed. New around $2800, used around $1600. Very nice. I demoed or have owned Mcintosh, PSE, Thule, Sonic Frontier, Krell, Bryston, Sim Audio, Plinius and others and preferred the Classe.... | |
A better matched amp for my Totem Speakers? i currently have a pair of Odyssey Stratos monoblock amps with a Classe 47.5 preamp and the Classe 1.5 cd player playing through the Totem Model 1 bi-wire speakers. I just added the REL Strata III subwoofer to the mix. Sounds fantastic. The Totems... | |
What Would You Do? Mcintosh equipment is very good! I have owned them in the past and currently using the Odyssey Stratos monoblocks. Both amps are very good. For the money, the Odyssey is a winner. To me, the Odyssey amps compare favorably to the higher price Mcint... | |
Review: Totem Acoustics Model 1 Monitor i also enjoyed reading your review. I used to be a drummer playing Cream, Jimi Hendrix, etc... material in the 70's and have since switched over to Jazz, Blues, and New Age. I have a small room (13 x13 x 9) that I use for my 2 channel music system... | |
NHT 2.9 or B&W CDM9NT I would have to agree with jimmyrod also. I have upgraded all electronics but have kept my 2.9's. i currently own classe source components (preamp, cd player), new Odyssey Stratos monoblocks, with Transparent biwire speaker cables and straight wir... |