Responses from rbstehno
Integrated or Separates? listen to a mcintosh ma6500 integrated. very nice. can pick up a used one for around $2000. I used to own one but went to seperates. | |
Strangest Tweak? totem beaks! | |
Odyssey amp,excessive hiss with balanced outputs? i also have the odyssey monoblocks and i am using 2m xlr cables with no problems at all. | |
Here's my room...what are my options? I used to own a Mac MA-6500 integrated amp. I like the Macintosh tube-like sound. I looked at both the Joseph and Revel monitor speakers and went with the Totem Model 1's with a Rel Strata III subwoofer. The totem's had more of a natural sound wit... | |
Amplification for Proac 1SC and Totem Model 1 i also have the model 1's and use a pair of Odyssey monoblocks to drive them. These speakers do require power to get the best sound from them. | |
How Do Odyssey Amps Stack Up To McCormack Amps. before I purchased my odyssey monoblock amps, I compared them to the classe stereo and monoblock amps, mcintosh seperates and integrated amps, sim audio, plinius, McCormack, and bryston. i would not nor did I look at NAD or Rotel amps. whole diffe... | |
How Do Odyssey Amps Stack Up To McCormack Amps. No comparison. Go with the monoblock Odyssey amps. | |
Best subwoofer for 1000 to 2000 dollars Try a REL! you can hook up the sub with both stereo leads for audio and a LFE for home theater and adjust them seperately. Also, IMO, you won't find a more musical sub for audio listening. | |
Odyssey Audio Mono Blocks i have a pair that are about 1 yr old. Love them! I previosly had the new Mcintosh MA-6500 integrated amp. I also auditioned: Plinius, Classe (ca-201 and their monoblocks), Sim Audio, Bryston, and Mcintosh before making my decision on the Stratos ... | |
Subwoofer thoughts from a newbie... IMO, there are not that many good subwoofers out there for music. Some people think getting the biggest driver you can will give you better sound. FALSE! Also, a good sub will have an advanced crossover network to blend in with your mains. For mus... | |
What can I plug into a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet? i have a couple of odyssey monoblock amps plugged into a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet high current model (20 amp version). I also use a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet non-high current (15 amp version) for my cd player and preamp. I replaced a Monster Cable ... | |
NHT Sub Two Owners i have 2 NHT sub 2's in my home theater room. I really like them, especially for HT. I have not experienced any problems with them for almost 3 years now. I like the external crossover unit with the DIN cables going to each sub. It was very easy t... | |
Any small monitors that dont sound thin and bright check out the Totem Model 1's and the Totem Arro's. Highly rated, great sounding small speakers. | |
Which amp to drive Totem Signiture ones? I have the Totem model 1's and I use a pair of Odyssey Stratos monoblock amps. Ample power, smooth sounding. I also demoed a Classe CA-201 and I like this setup also. The Odyssey amps matched or bettered the sound of the Classe and Mcintosh amps I... | |
Anyone heard the Odyssey monos vs Plinius amps? I had the Plinius sa-100 in my system as a demo for a week and it sounded very good. I also have owned new mcintosh equipment (MA-6500 integrated, and the mc202 amp), and also demo'd a Classe 201 amp. I ended up purchasing a pair of Stratos monobl... |