
Responses from rbstehno

Integrated or Separates?
listen to a mcintosh ma6500 integrated. very nice. can pick up a used one for around $2000. I used to own one but went to seperates. 
Strangest Tweak?
totem beaks! 
Odyssey amp,excessive hiss with balanced outputs?
i also have the odyssey monoblocks and i am using 2m xlr cables with no problems at all. 
Here's my room...what are my options?
I used to own a Mac MA-6500 integrated amp. I like the Macintosh tube-like sound. I looked at both the Joseph and Revel monitor speakers and went with the Totem Model 1's with a Rel Strata III subwoofer. The totem's had more of a natural sound wit... 
Amplification for Proac 1SC and Totem Model 1
i also have the model 1's and use a pair of Odyssey monoblocks to drive them. These speakers do require power to get the best sound from them. 
How Do Odyssey Amps Stack Up To McCormack Amps.
before I purchased my odyssey monoblock amps, I compared them to the classe stereo and monoblock amps, mcintosh seperates and integrated amps, sim audio, plinius, McCormack, and bryston. i would not nor did I look at NAD or Rotel amps. whole diffe... 
How Do Odyssey Amps Stack Up To McCormack Amps.
No comparison. Go with the monoblock Odyssey amps. 
Best subwoofer for 1000 to 2000 dollars
Try a REL! you can hook up the sub with both stereo leads for audio and a LFE for home theater and adjust them seperately. Also, IMO, you won't find a more musical sub for audio listening. 
Odyssey Audio Mono Blocks
i have a pair that are about 1 yr old. Love them! I previosly had the new Mcintosh MA-6500 integrated amp. I also auditioned: Plinius, Classe (ca-201 and their monoblocks), Sim Audio, Bryston, and Mcintosh before making my decision on the Stratos ... 
Subwoofer thoughts from a newbie...
IMO, there are not that many good subwoofers out there for music. Some people think getting the biggest driver you can will give you better sound. FALSE! Also, a good sub will have an advanced crossover network to blend in with your mains. For mus... 
What can I plug into a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet?
i have a couple of odyssey monoblock amps plugged into a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet high current model (20 amp version). I also use a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet non-high current (15 amp version) for my cd player and preamp. I replaced a Monster Cable ... 
NHT Sub Two Owners
i have 2 NHT sub 2's in my home theater room. I really like them, especially for HT. I have not experienced any problems with them for almost 3 years now. I like the external crossover unit with the DIN cables going to each sub. It was very easy t... 
Any small monitors that dont sound thin and bright
check out the Totem Model 1's and the Totem Arro's. Highly rated, great sounding small speakers. 
Which amp to drive Totem Signiture ones?
I have the Totem model 1's and I use a pair of Odyssey Stratos monoblock amps. Ample power, smooth sounding. I also demoed a Classe CA-201 and I like this setup also. The Odyssey amps matched or bettered the sound of the Classe and Mcintosh amps I... 
Anyone heard the Odyssey monos vs Plinius amps?
I had the Plinius sa-100 in my system as a demo for a week and it sounded very good. I also have owned new mcintosh equipment (MA-6500 integrated, and the mc202 amp), and also demo'd a Classe 201 amp. I ended up purchasing a pair of Stratos monobl...