

Responses from rdk777

phono/preamp analog front end
ARC Ref 2SE Phono gets my vote.  You'll have to pay a little more, but worth it.  There's one for $5500 at USAM - you could try and bring the price down a little.  It has a gain of 74 dB and balanced output.  
Don't like vinyl
Banished for life - don't come back! 
Lumin or Aurender
+1 on @three_easy_payments.  That's not a bad deal.  The A1 is a model above the T2.  I have the T1 and I've been extremely satisfied.  There isn't going to be substantial sq different between the Lumin and the Aurender - they're both great stream... 
What's a better choice? Manley Steelhead Phono or Audio Research Reference 2SE Phono?
I've had the ARC Ref 2SE for a couple of years now and its a magnificent phonostage. The ARC Ref 2SE has balanced output, which if all things equal, I would chose over a phono preamp with only single ended outputs.  That's a personal choice based ... 
Azimuth 2020
@lewm - the fozgometer cannot measure crosstalk. You need a software like Adjust + to do so. Hope that clarifies things. RK 
Azimuth 2020
I've had good results with the Fozgometer.  Although the Foz does not take crosstalk into account, using Feickert's Adjust + software did not yield a difference in the setting for three of my installations. Going forward, I'll continue using the Foz. 
How many NICE looking high end floor standing speaker are there at present
I particularly like the way Raidho's look - although not so much their price. https://www.audiogon.com/listings/lisa2cda-for-trade-raidho-acoustics-d5-1-loudspeakers-walnut-burl-full-range  
How often to demagnetize mc cartridges?
I was told by Dynavector that their cartridges do not need to be demagnetized. I have a ZYX that I have never demagnetized - sounds fine to me.  
How to clean vinyl records
All you ever need to know about cleaning records - https://www.analogplanet.com/content/most-comprehensive-record-cleaning-article-ever-0  
What is the average dealer mark up?
Perfectly legit question for this and other forums.  
To guard stylus or not?
ZYX has the worst stylus guard - hard to get on and off.  So don't use.  Might use if it was designed properly. 
Lumin Player App Issues
Put your finger or thumb on the album art cover and hold - a menu should pop up which lets you select the options I described above. 
Lumin Player App Issues
@bufford The Lumin App plays songs that are added to the playlist. You can add tracks (by holding the track) to play now, next, at the end of the playlist or remove the entire playlist and only play the selected track. The same can be done with... 
Luxman dealers
Try finding a dealer in Oregon - I'm pretty sure you they won't charge you tax.  Now whether its your respoonsbility to report that is a different question, different forum. 
12 years or 18 years?
Time for Ardbeg - it'll kill COVID IMO