Responses from realgoodsound
More potential bad news for some big names... The audio industry offers nothing for young people to get into the hobby. There are no stepping-stone brands anymore. Manufacturers and many hi-fi enthusiasts consider anything under $3k "affordable." But to a person who just got out of college an... | |
Bose buys McIntosh After my initial horror, I came to the conclusion it may be better for McIntosh, Sonus Faber and Sumiko to be under Bose's ownership than some vulture capital firm from Dallas. At least Bose is in the audio field. Personally, I think McIntosh has ... | |
Help Deciding On New Speakers For Small Room, $10k budget Just heard both the Kantas and Sopras this week and compared to B&W's (which I also heard), they are not at all bright. They have a very lovely sound - full-bodied, tight bass, good transient response, silken highs, excellent mids. If I had th... | |
Reasonably priced preamplifier Rogue RP-1 ($1,795). 12AU7 buffer rounds out sound. Great phono stage if that's important to you. If you want a few more bells and whistles, check out the RP-3, RP-5 and RP-9 | |
Turntable suggestions for a newbie Are you sure you want to go whole-hog on a turntable right off the bat? Might it not be better to start with something a bit less expensive (but still fine) to "get your feet wet?" For instance, a UTurn Audio Theory with an Ortofon 2M Bronze for ... | |
VU meters added to Cambridge Audio I have a "Neohipo" amplifier/speaker switching unit w/VU meters. They don't "measure" anything (unlike VU meters on a radio station console or a tape deck), but they are fun to watch.The British, especially the BBC, use peak-level meters, claiming... | |
The Medical Explanation Of Why You Are Addicted To HiFi Audio During the day and evening, I listen to my not-quite-audiophile-but-far-better-than-mid-fi system. At night, to relax me in bed, I listen to the same music (Classical mostly) on a pocket radio with a 1.5" speaker that's tuned for talk. No, it does... | |
No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy? Regarding the lack of negative reviews: in my case, if I don't like a product for one reason or another, I don't write a review. I have never in my 30 years of writing audio reviews been asked by either publisher for whom I've worked to plug undul... | |
No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy? I review equipment for an online audio zine. I have reviewed gear for 30 years. In that time, I have received exactly two freebies: a pair of Linn interconnects and a set of vibration absorption feet for a turntable. I reviewed the interconnects f... | |
The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD I've been into audio since the 1970's so I've seen audio formats come and go . . . and come back again. Every time I travel to a new city, I search out audio and record shops. In every case, the owners have told me the primary group that buys LPs ... | |
I Sold my CD Player!!! Streaming sounds so incredible!!! New music doesn't appeal to me, so that aspect of streaming is a non-starter. I like having the physical disc in my possession and not have to fool around with some app on my phone. The services with quality audio cost too much. And, frankly, have... | |
When Was The Audio Golden Age? I believe there have been two: roughly 1960-75 and 2010-present. Here's my reasoning. Stereo was new in the mid-to-late 50's but by 1960, all of the primary manufacturers of the time - McIntosh, Harman Kardon, H. H. Scott, Fisher Radio, Sherwood... | |
When Was The Audio Golden Age? I believe there have been two: roughly 1960-75 and 2010-present. Here's my reasoning. Stereo was new in the mid-to-late 50's but by 1960, all of the primary manufacturers of the time - McIntosh, Harman Kardon, H. H. Scott, Fisher Radio, Sherwood ... | |
SEEKING ADVICE: Which component would you upgrade first? The HPM-100's were designed by an engineer Pioneer hired from JBL and were their answer to the 1970.s JBL L-100. Nice speaker in its day but IMNSHO, the absurd prices those speakers are bringing today is tied to the vintage-gear rage. Speaker desi... | |
Advice and recommendations needed for a turntable rig... For $1,650, you can get a Music Hall "Stealth" with an Ortofon 2M "Blue" cartridge. The Stealth is no lightweight at 24 lbs. It's direct drive, has a great cartridge and you can change tracking angle while a record is playing. It's what I currentl... |