
Responses from rebbi

Merlin TSM comparisons
Guppy,Thrilled to hear that you like the Supra Classic 6.0. I'll be really eager to hear what Bobby P. thinks, since he has the basis for making a comparison with the more expensive stuff. 
I need help with my Equipment addiction
Mingles,Thanks!By the way, I still need to get around to installing those Russian, Teflon capacitors that you sent me, into my Seduction phono preamp! Winter break is my target date! :-) 
I need help with my Equipment addiction
Macdadtexas,Hello there. First of all, I offer you a shout out from Austin, Texas!Beyond that, I'm really glad that you posted this thread. I recognize a lot of the posts are saturated with a heavy dose of irony/sarcasm, nevertheless, I think it r... 
Merlin TSM comparisons
On another note, thought I'd toss out there that I've been using Supra Classic 6.0 cables with my TSM-mmi's. My budget wouldn't accommodate Cardas, even used. On Bobby's advice, I looked for a finely stranded copper cable with a 9 gauge diameter. ... 
What speakers use SEAS or SEAS-sourced drivers?
Ascend uses a SEAS tweeter in their Sierra 1 monitor. 
Music you HATE the most but once you LOVED it
Okay, as already said, "hate" would be a little strong for any of this, but...Doobie Brothers -- loved tunes like "One Step Closer" when I was in high school...ELP -- yes and no. Just cued up Tarkus on vinyl for the first time in many moons and it... 
Music you HATE the most but once you LOVED it
Okay, as already said, "hate" would be a little strong for any of this, but...Doobie Brothers -- loved tunes like "One Step Closer" when I was in high school...ELP -- yes and no. Just cued up Tarkus on vinyl for the first time in many moons and it... 
Merlin TSM comparisons
One thing I'll say about my TSM's is that they reveal everything. Even a small change in something is audible. For example, the setup instructions recommend that the speaker tweeters be between six and seven feet apart, but no more. Mine were a fe... 
Merlin TSM comparisons
Never mind, I retract my last question! I just discovered a huge (and pretty cantankerous) "Merlin TSM versus Green Mountain Calisto" thread. One of those is enough! 
Merlin TSM comparisons
Back to the "comparison" part of this thread's subject, for a moment. Any of you folks ever gotten to compare TSM's to Green Mountain Audio products? I was reminded of this whenI noticed a pair of Green Mountain Audio Callistos up on sale here. Th... 
Merlin TSM comparisons
Yes, Bobby is correct. I have an ICE amp, a Bel Canto S300. 
Merlin TSM comparisons
Guppy:I agree tubes don't work well with the OHMS, but the Unison Research Unico hybrid did a nice job. I thought the Triangle Cometes performed much better with tubes.I ran my Ohm Walsh Micro Talls and my Ohm 100's with a Unison Unico. It sounded... 
Merlin TSM comparisons
One of the things I like about Ohm (along with a recently auditioned pair of Duevel Planets, is they are great for playing music when I'm having a party! Few speakers fill rooms with good sound the way Ohm speakers do. Mirage has also tackled that... 
Merlin TSM comparisons
I've said before that I think that Ohm and Merlin have at least one thing in common: the vision of a single designer who has continually refined a few basic concepts over a long period of time. And in both cases, calling the company number is like... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?