Responses from reynolds853
Canton Reference 5.2 dc I have listened to the 890 a lot but done a side-by-side comparison with a Reference 5 only briefly. The Reference speaker had a richer sound and was more coherent. The sound approached that of my Silverline Bolero speakers. If I were building a s... | |
Soliloquy 6.5 speaker In what way is the midrange driver damaged? I used to own a pair of 6.5's and hope you can get them up and running, they are certainly nice speakers. | |
What amp to tame Eggleston Works Esotar Tweeters? I have Esotar tweeters in my speakers and agree with the other posters, they are not edgy. If you can find the right amplification I believe you will come to enjoy them a lot. | |
Jolida jd-502p I used 5751s in my system to great satisfaction when I was using monitor speakers. I later moved to full size speakers and the system sounded flat. For the larger speakers I went back to the 12AX7 tube and it provided significantly more dynamic pe... | |
Speaker for Rogue Cronus Magnum with high WAF A pair of Canton Canton Chrono 509.2 speakers would be about $2600 and would be a good match. | |
12ax7 vs 5751 Grayf,As you can obviously tell from all of my posts, I have found it very difficult to get past the Telefunkens too.JBS | |
12ax7 vs 5751 Grayf,Are your 12AX7 Telefunkens ribbed or smooth plates? Also, if they are new old stock, I found that after around 30 hours or so my Telefunkens started to break in and added a nice sweetness to the sound.I made the switch to tubes about three y... | |
Rogue Tempest II magnum or Cronus Magnum for VR-33 Gopher,The Tempest-III is switchable between passive and active preamplification. It therefore works with a wider range of speakers than the first two Tempest generations. I believe it comes in a magnum version, maybe even a super magnum. I believ... | |
12ax7 vs 5751 McPherson,It looks like you have a nice system, but unfortunately components with which I have no experience. My best suggestion, I think, is to find a dealer that will let you take some cables home with you to audition in your system. That's how ... | |
Ayon Spirit 3 what speaker combo will u recommend? Theseventh1,You make a good point. Good catch! I had originally been thinking that it would be nice to have everything Ayon in one place, but we are in the Amps/Preamps forum section. Their digital components and speakers should go into the other ... | |
Ayon Spirit 3 what speaker combo will u recommend? Sionlim,Looks like we have two votes for "Ayon Audio Forum"! Seems like that should be enough :-)I'd say let's go ahead and launch a thread with that title.JBS | |
12ax7 vs 5751 Mcpherson,No worries, it's certainly not a silly question. I'm not confident that I can answer your question about the brightness of your system to total certainty, but I can perhaps explain my earlier comments a little more clearly.I want to make... | |
I've narrowed it down... I have never heard a tube fail catostrophically, but I have heard a tube that was starting to go out. In that case the music started to break up a bit when we started pushing the speakers. | |
Ayon Spirit 3 what speaker combo will u recommend? Well, I'll throw a few suggestions up against the wall and we'll see what sticks:"Ayon Users Forum" - nah"Ayon Enthusiast's Forum" - I don't like that one either"Ayon Audio Forum" - I'll vote for this one"Ayon Audio Log"What does everyone else think? | |
Avalon Speakers... To Spike or Not To Spike I use stainless steel Soler Points on my speakers. I know Ed Soler and he can make them custom for you. The ones he made for my speakers are 2" wide at the top and about 2.25" tall. I gave him one of the original speaker spikes and he made sure th... |