
Responses from reynolds853

Ayon Spirit 3 what speaker combo will u recommend?
What do you think about an Ayon thread, rather than one just for the Spirit? It might be interesting to read comments of folks who have other Ayon components. But either way, I too think it's a great idea. 
12ax7 vs 5751
I have not read every post in this thread, so I will apologize ahead of time if I am repeating any previous comments.I have Rogue M180 monoblocks that for a year or so I used with Silverline SR17.5 bookshelf speakers. I used the 5751 with them and... 
Best tube preamp ever
Personally, I think it is more important to find the "best dealer" ever with an appropriate selection with whom you can work to put together a synergistic system.Having only heard what was at the time the entry point into the Ayon brand, the Spiri... 
Ayon Spirit 3 what speaker combo will u recommend?
Sionlim,My two cents worth: From what I have read, it sounds like your preference is toward warmth in your system. Mullard tubes are warm; Cardas Cross family of cables are warm. The Cardas Clear family is supposed to be more neutral - I have only... 
Ayon Spirit 3 what speaker combo will u recommend?
There's a couple of used Proac speakers in the local shop here, the Response D1 and the Response D Two. I brought them home last week but only had a chance to listen to them briefly. They both sounded good, but I thought the D1 had a slightly rich... 
Ayon Spirit 3 what speaker combo will u recommend?
Silverline Reference 17 Supreme speakers would make a good pairing. I've heard a Spirit-1 driving my Silverline Bolero speakers, it just ran out of steam in my large room. But the Spirit got along quite well with the Esotar tweeter in the Bolero.I... 
Ayon Spirit-1 compared to Ayon Orion
I wanted to thank everyone for their responses to this thread. The guy I was helping with this decision ended up getting a Spirit-III to pair with some Quad-57 speakers. Another friend has a Spirit-1 that he paired with Silverline SR17.5 speakers ... 
Inexpensive integrated tube amp recommendations?
Gaber222,I took it at face value that inexpensive for your purposes meant "preferably under $800." I offered my suggestions so that you can add them to your audition list and form your own conclusions, and as I have heard samples from several of t... 
Inexpensive integrated tube amp recommendations?
The Jolida JD-707A is a very musical 40wpc integrated, but it's around $1200 I think. If you can find one here on Audiogon, it would be worth considering. Other amps in the line that you might consider are the 102B (25wpc) for $650 or the 202A (60... 
Small monitors/bookshelves for classical music
Silverline Minuet Supreme speakers have a list price of $699 but perhaps you can find them on Audiogon within your target price range. 
Silverline SR17.5 crossover modifications?
Sherod,They worked great. It doesn't take much listening to them to understand what Tony Gee meant when he described them as having near perfect tonal balance. Compared to the s/g/o caps, the VSF is also faster and more richly textured. The sound ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Michaelvv,The s/g/o caps were indeed used in the Silverline SR17.5 speakers.John 
What preamp would you mate to your Rogue M180's?
I have a Rogue 99Magnum preamp driving M180s and sounds fine. I like the variable gain feature on the preamp too. 
Rogue amps-- try 5751 instead of 12ax7
On my M180s I was using an RCA 5751 and RCA clear tops in the 12AU7 position. That combination worked great with my monitor speakers. I later went to larger, 3-way speakers and it didn't sound good. I replaced the 5751 with a Telefunken 12AX7 ribb... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Michaelvv,I had the Mundorf S/G/O in a pair of speakers but changed them out for the VSF copper. The S/G/O had too much emphasis on the high frequencies for me. The VSF, on the other hand, sounded faster and richer, with great detail. In my system...