
Responses from reynolds853

Rogue Audio 99 or CJ Classic Preamp?
I can't comment about the Conrad-Johnson as I have no experience with them, but I am very happy with my M-180 amp / 99-Magnum preamp combination. 
5751 tubes and Rogue Tempest?
Samzx12,I talked with the guys at the shop yesterday regarding their opinion of the sound differences between the KT-88's and KT-90's (it also reminded me again why I went with the 88's). The comments they made were that the KT-88 is a little warm... 
5751 tubes and Rogue Tempest?
Samzx12,You're welcome. When we talked with Rogue about tubing my M-180's we were told that one of the factors influencing Rogue's decision to go to KT-90's was that they were having quality issues with the stock EH KT-88's (no quality issues with... 
5751 tubes and Rogue Tempest?
Samzx12,I actually never owned the stock tubes. I ordered the M-180's with the GL KT-88's - they were about a $300 upgrade from the stock EH KT-90's.I would like to be able to give you a more insightful answer regarding the comparison of the two t... 
5751 tubes and Rogue Tempest?
As I posted in more length in a similar thread, I preferred the RCA 5751 over the Telefunken 12AX7. The Telefunken was more dynamic, I guess, but 5751 seemed to give me a sweeter sounding system. But it wasn't so much the dynamics but rather the m... 
Reliable Used int. amp for $1200? Plinius? Classe?
I neglected to take into account your weight preference, so the Denon would be out - it weighs in at 54lbs. 
Dynaudio C4 vs B&W 802D
I use Kimber Select KS-3035 on my Silverline Bolero speakers (Dynaudiio Drivers) and like them a lot. They sound fast, clear and extended on both ends to me. You might consider adding them, or the new 6000 series, to your audition list. 
Merlin TSM comparisons
Rebbi,This afternoon I was talking with a guy at the local shop here that has a new pair of TSM speakers. He said they take several months to break-in, but they are coming along nicely. Hopefully, yours are too? 
Reliable Used int. amp for $1200? Plinius? Classe?
You might want to consider a Denon PMA2000 Mark-IV. Used ones cost around $600-700. In my opinion, at its price point, nothing else comes close. 
$4000 to Spend on Amp, Preamp and USB DAC
If you go the integrated amp route, you might want to consider a Rogue Tempest-III. I think it's around $3,000. 
Pioneer House Sound from the 70s
The audio shop in my town has a lot of restored vintage equipment. Please send me an email if interested and I'll put you in touch with them. 
Grado Earbuds
AKG IP 2 earbuds are nice.,id,977,nodeid,31,_language,EN,pid,977.html 
Aerial 20T / Eggleston Savoy
I should probably add that the reason I would go with the Savoys is that I like Dynaudio drivers and consider Eggleston and Silverline to make the best use of them. 
Aerial 20T / Eggleston Savoy
As much as I like Aerial speakers, I'd go with the Savoys given a choice. 
Cables & Merlin TSM-XMr
Kimber 8TC and 12TC are worth a listen. However, like everything in audio, it'll be system dependent.Best thing you can do is find a shop that will let you audition several cables.Also, Audio Magic makes some nice cables.