Responses from rgurney
Best Amps match for Egglestonworks Andra 2 ? BAT VK 150 SE momoblocks. BAT synergy. | |
Phantom B44 vs The SME V Tone Arm The SME V should be purchsed with (or upgraded to) the MCS 150 internal silver wiring for a valid comparison with the Graham Phantom. Both should be used with a quality phono cable rather than the pitiful stock phono cable which comes with the SME... | |
BAT VK-31SE with 6H30-DR NOS tube Apparently Victor has a nice stash of the NOS DR tubes and provides them as stock with the flagship 51SE. Obviously the DR tubes will not make the 31SE sound as good as the 51SE. The 51SE is IMHO substantially better than the 31SE but it is up to ... | |
Recommended cartridge for SME V arm The ZYX Universe is wonderful on my SME V. | |
SME 20/2 update history The MkII has an upgraded motor.The latest version (as of 9/05) has the upgraded power supply. | |
Air space for McIntosh MC-275 With all sides open and still having 8 inches above, I don't think you will have any problem at all with amp overheating or tube longevity, and do not need a fan. If you wanted to be extra careful, you could run the amp with the cage off, but agai... | |
Air space for McIntosh MC-275 I agree with Theo. The shelf above may get hot but will be okay depending on what material it's made out of. The amp itself will not overheat. | |
Air space for McIntosh MC-275 In addition to the 8 inches you have above the unit, is there open space in front of and behind the unit? (Is the unit on a shelf in a rack or inside a cabinet with a back and/or a door? | |
Better Tonearm wire or best, cartridge tonearm too I second the recommendation of MC 150S wire. I also have it in my SME V. Much better than the stock wire. | |
BAT VK 75SE vs 150SE's or maybe a VK600SE? A valid comparison would be the 75SE vs. the 600SE, OR the 150SE's vs. 600M SE's, on speakers which do not favor the more powerful SS amps over the lesser powered tube amps. (An inefficient speaker that often dips down to 4 ohms or less would favo... | |
ZYX Universe, Dynavector XV-1s, vdH Colibri, ?? John - I have had similarr wonderful experience dealing with Mehran. He is truly a wonderful gentleman who goes way beyond just to please the customer. You can't do any better either with him or his products. | |
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3 Oneobgyn, Guido - As you are both owners, see if you can find out (from ARC?) or elsewhere, what the purpose of having that button/circuit change is for. Given that there is an audible degredation of sound, it appears that the REF3 works best in ... | |
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3 Guidocorona - Are you saying that the REF 3 sounds significantly different and better in balanced mode as compared to single-ended mode? | |
Anyone out there Have to agree with Unsound. Rather than 'throw the baby out with the bathwater', I would try to get the amp up off the floor, high enough to avoid curious probing hands. The 75SE seems to be the only piece which could cause harm to the innocent. S... | |
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3? Oneobgyn - What makes you so sure there "will always be upgrades to the REF 3"? Indeed, there will be upgrades to a point. The REF 4 will come out, then perhaps the 3 will be dead-ended like the 2 was. We shall see. Good luck and Merry Christmas. |