
Responses from ricevs

Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Have you guys read this? : http://www.soundstageultra.com/index.php/equipment-menu/528-devialet-400-mono-integrated-amplifier-dacsHe even likes the $6500 one better than anything he has heard on his Magicos. A DAC, a preamp, an amp...all in one.Wh... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
In my x-over you will also get to choose which amp to attenuate....However, you will be using fixed resistors (way better than any pot) to do the padding. Also there will not be switches in the path to choose which amp gets padded. Everything will... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Yes, your crossover is simple so an active xover would have to be seriously transparent for it to make any difference. The First Watt B4 is similar to the one I am designing....except mine is super way more tweak and pure. No switches, no pots, be... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I don't use any electrolytic caps in my xover (there are no coupling caps except for the filter caps)....only tiny polyprops. As far as resistors....you can easily to a straight wire bypass on a one ohm resistor.....just add it to the output of a ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
The parts are much smaller and purer sounding at line level than at speaker level. Your giant Path Audio resistor is no where near straight wire compared to a very tiny surface mount thin film resistor. The speaker is a low impedance device that n... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Beyond capacitors and coils? I am designing a two way active x-over that should be the most transparent active x-over ever made. It will have zero feedback fet buffers and no gain. All parts and power supplies totally top notch. NO pots, switches ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Steve,How long to the 12 gauge Jensen foil inductors take to burn in? I bought some to try on my Neo 10 midrange (.56mh) but they sound dull and rolled off. A Jantzen 12 gauge wax paper and foil inductor sounds way more transparent and dynamic (bo... 
$2,000 Used CD Player or Modified Oppo 105
You don't need to spend $2000 to make the 105 sound way better....even my $650 mod is super (zero feedback fet buffer output stage, shunt regulators, femto clock, soft recovery diodes, WA quantum stickers, mucho damping, etc.). Please see the thre... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
I see the APL has two fuses......changing these to better ones (unless it comes with seriously good fuses) can raise the sound level considerably. Also damping the lid with weight and different kinds of feet/mounting can make a world of difference... 
EVS modified Oppo 105D
32 bit digital volume control built into the ESS DAC chip. 
EVS modified Oppo 105D
The modded Oppo with the zero feedback fet buffer output stage has 1V per phase and he is running balanced so he has 2V. His Bryston amps can be set to run at 1V sensitivity. His speakers are 90db efficient. He will probably never turn the volume ... 
Sony HAP-Z1ES Hi-Res Music Player RMAF 2013
Yes, the Hap-Z1es is fully balanced. However, it inverts phase....pins 2 and 3 are backwards to the American standard. The unbalanced is inverted too. Sony is said to be addressing this issue in a software upgrade soon.The balanced outs have a dif... 
OPPO 105; how to beat it and at what price?
I think Dsper had the $5000 Esoteric.....but I nor anyone I know have had a $13,000 or $20,000 Esoteric to A/B with. If my modded 105 beats a $5000 Esoteric it does not mean its as good as the way more expensive ones.....I kind of doubt it. The Es... 
OPPO 105; how to beat it and at what price?
I appreciate Ivan's enthusiasm but there are a couple of errors in his post. First, the all out 2 channel unbalanced/balanced mod it $1730. Secondly, I would never tell anyone that I have the best digital playback out there.....just not my style o... 
OPPO 105; how to beat it and at what price?
How about $800. That is what I charge for my basic mod plus the zero feedback fully balanced fet output stage for the 105 or 105D. Just had a customer get one and he loves it. Another $1000 in other advanced mods (linear power supply, low jitter c...