
Responses from ricevs

Out of business?  Is the United States out of business?  They don't have any warheads in stock.  Why do people come on here and ask questions without doing any research?  Are we that lazy.  Did you call them or a dealer?  I have never heard of Mag... 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
FYI, the Art cables are Neotech NES 3004 mk II cables with Furutech connectors, techflex and cryoed.  If you bought the pieces separate and assembled it yourself and sent it off to be cryoed....would cost you about half.  If you use Mundorf super ... 
New speakers unveiled from Clayton Shaw - Caladan
Let’s see, from listening to an online video presentation you say these new speakers go deeper, tighter and with a more seemless xover......ha ha. So, did you A/B in your own room the Caladan with the latest $9800 X4 Ultra’s? The woofers in the X4... 
New speakers unveiled from Clayton Shaw - Caladan
You can get as much bass as you want with open baffle.....you just need more woofer area than a woofer in a box. The Caladan with its two 12s has great bass for most people. You can also do the open baffle servo subs and get 15 hz. You can use 6 1... 
New speakers unveiled from Clayton Shaw - Caladan
When you mind and heart are not open......then you react from your ego.   These are probably the woofs he is using: https://usspeaker.com/beyma%2012BR70-1.htm Here is the wire he is using: https://jupitercondenser.com/products/copy-of-strande... 
New speakers unveiled from Clayton Shaw - Caladan
Ozzy62, How do you see it? What are your calculations of money in the speaker? Must be way different than mine. I have been in the high end audio business since the late 70s. From what I see, he is making good money selling them at that price po... 
New speakers unveiled from Clayton Shaw - Caladan
He is making plenty of money. He would not sell it, if he were not. 4 woofs.....$700, 2 tweeters $150, 6 caps $80, 4 inductors...$50.....4 binding posts $200, wire $100, 6 footers $300. All prices above retail....wholesale 50% less so = $800 max.... 
Stromtank S2500 mk II
tomic601, ??????? So, your friend and dealer Ed knows everything about AC power and audio? No, he cannot. No one (including me) knows diddlysquat. There is no actual objective measure in audio. And EVERYTHING you do changes the sound. We are all ... 
Stromtank S2500 mk II
The Stromtank is nothing but a low distortion sine wave inverter and battery and charger in a box.....and marked up a million times and made to look good so audiophiles will spend tons of money on it. Have you heard of the Giandel inverters? You c... 
DSP Active Crossover
BTW......I am pretty sure you would get much cleaner bass if all the servo woofs were all facing forward.  Does not make sense to have two facing backwards.  Even Rich Hollis is doing it the way I suggest....so did GT Audioworks (who now uses othe... 
DSP Active Crossover
Jaytor, Given how good your DAC, preamp and passive crossover are......I can see moving to a stock electronic xover as being just a side ways or lowering quality move.  The analog input and output stages are just op amps in the Danville (nothing ... 
DSP Active Crossover
Jaytor, How is your active system doing?  How does it compare with the passive version?  Any tradeoffs?  My friend in Panama owns the very first Line Force speaker that Danny made and was made from Aluminum.  I just sent him a modded Peachtree Ga... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
The guy reviewed the M-60s in July 21.  Look up the review.....guess what?  In the review of the M-60s he did not even mention any other amp.  So, at least he is consistant....consistantly uninforming.....  He writes very good ad copy.  So, you ha... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
This is now just turned into another thread on Class D.....rather than what the future of it is.  The Atma-sphere amp may be the best $5400 class D amp you can buy....or maybe not.  The review has nothing to do with that.  He compares (BY MEMORY) ... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
What?  A tube manufacturer and dealer comes on to a thread about "What's the FUTURE of class D".....and puts down ALL class d amps without even mentioning what he has heard and specific A/B tests.  Then he tells us all the cool stuff he has and th...