
Responses from ricevs

Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
The ego defends and fights.....that is its game. Check out the GaN1 thread here on Audiogon for a couple of posts by people who liked the stock and modded GaN1 better than their $12K system. I did not make this up. So, who do you know that liked... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
The only thing that is real is what is experienced. Many have experienced the "latest and sonically best" class D as equal to or even better than class A. Check out the latest from Steve Huff, for instance. He thinks the pure digital class D integ... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
I believe direct digital amps are the future. With regular class D you need a DAC and maybe a preamp. Direct digital amps are not only simpler but purer sounding. The modified Peachtree GaN 1 is incredible. Best sound I have heard.....and cheap. M... 
Major innovative break through: The new NSMT Loudspeakers reference speaker
The technology is very valid here.  Same as what Dunlavy was doing 30 years ago.  Time Aligned.....6 db per octave crossover with very little parts (so reasonably in phase).....and very good drivers.  I am sure they sound as described.  However, a... 
Major innovative break through: The new NSMT Loudspeakers reference speaker
NSMT2 For even better sound I recommend changing your coil to a 12 gauge copper wax foil coil from Jantzen (go into the inside of the coil and out the outside)....also bypass your cap with a small value teflon Vcap (make sure both caps are in the... 
Active Speakers - Anything new coming?
Build your own.....you have control over the sound not available in anything mentioned above.....serious high end sound for pennies.....obviously, not a small speaker (16 inches wide) and could be very tall if you do a long line source. And also n... 
DSP Active Crossover
I don't understand how you were using a Tact for bi-amping.  Does it have analog line level outs?  Or is this a digital out for subs?  Or two sets of digital outs?  And how were you using the SHD?  Analog outs or digital outs?  And if you are usin... 
DSP Active Crossover
mijostyn, Did you A/B the minidsp SHD with the latest DEQX in the same system using all the same gear at the same time? "clearly the best" can only be known by serious listening tests. If you did do a serious A/B.....what were the sonic difference... 
DSP Active Crossover
The minidsp SHD (2 way digital xover) uses an ESS 9028 DAC chip......pretty good. The Audiophile Junkie (see his Youtube channel) uses this Minidsp SHD in his super system. I posted this on a couple of other threads.....but I cannot stop talking a... 
Best set-up under $20K
Save your money.....this rocks: http://tweakaudio.com/EVS-2/DIY_Bi-amped_super_speaker.html 30 hz flat.....bi-amped....super transparent....plays LOUD....super inexpensive......Costs what a great power cord costs.  Will blow your mind.  
Steve Guttenberg finally reviews the Eminent Technology LFT-8b loudspeaker.
Here is my latest thinking on a diy super duper speaker using planars and woofs http://tweakaudio.com/EVS-2/DIY_Bi-amped_super_speaker.html Bi-amped, eqed, flat to 30hz...Super transparent and inexpensive.  
PS Audio Aspen FR20: Planar Floorstanding Speakers
I forgot to mention you cross over the two woofs to the planars around 3-400 cycles......start with 24 db per octave slopes.  
PS Audio Aspen FR20: Planar Floorstanding Speakers
You can do much better for way less. My last DIY speaker used the same mid and high drivers PS Audio uses....but I used them on an open baffle with much better parts and no padding.....way, way better. However, those particular B&G drivers are... 
As he promised, Guttenberg reviews the Eminent Technology LFT-8c.
What do you mean "if you get the filters right"  Using a DSP is easy....a 10 year old can do it.  You decide what slope you want and what frequency (I would start with 400hz and 24db per octave with the mentioned drivers) and then you measure the ... 
As he promised, Guttenberg reviews the Eminent Technology LFT-8c.
My friend has the Lii Audio silver 10s ($1200 the pair) and he says they measure and sound very flat (no lowther shout). You need to seriously burn these drivers in and you CANNOT listen to their binding posts.....remove the binding posts and hard...