Responses from roberjerman
How loud is too loud Fletcher-Munson effect! Human hearing has reduced sensitivity to low and high frequency sounds as volume is reduced! Older receivers and integrated amps had a switch to compensate for this by boosting the bass and treble. This allowed quiet listen... | |
What is meant when someone says a component is lacking soul Only "golden ears" can hear "soul"! | |
High End is Dead? As long as the 1% own 90% of the wealth Hi End will exist! More Wilson's and Magico's coming down the assembly line! | |
Who wants the best improvement in their system EVER! Buy the Nordost Odin 2 power cord for a mere $20K and experience SONIC NIRVANA! | |
Most resolving Speaker Quad 57's! Peter Walker got it right! | |
Earlier Rogers Ls35a 15ohms sonic differences Vs Later serial# Roger's 15ohms? My pair are Rogers 11ohm serial no's. 39269A and 39269B. Amps in use include: Dyna ST70, Harvard Music Futterman H3 OTL, BEL1001 and a Tim Rawson F5. Also a Quad 303 and 405. There have been many small speakers but the LS3/5A still takes first pla... | |
Earlier Rogers Ls35a 15ohms sonic differences Vs Later serial# Roger's 15ohms? I don't remember seeing a difference in the KEF B110 woofers used in the LS3/5A's. They were supposed to be selected and matched per pair. My tech friend said that the earlier versions used an autoformer in the x-overs. As regards sonic difference... | |
Amp and preamp for dq10s I have a nicely restored pair of DQ-10's with upgraded x-overs. Amps I own and recommend: Acoustat TNT, Bedini 150/150, BEL1001, GAS Son of Ampzilla, Muse 100, Odyssey Khartago, Perreaux 1250B, Quad 405, Spectro Acoustics 500, Sumo Andromeda. The ... | |
Earlier Rogers Ls35a 15ohms sonic differences Vs Later serial# Roger's 15ohms? My friend worked as a repair tech at a local hi fi store and examined the crossovers in some Rogers LS3/5A's. He noticed differences between early and later ones. Sonically I heard NO difference! | |
Who still listens to their First Generation Cd Players? I listened in 1983 to the first CD player imported for sale here in the USA: a Hitachi vertical-loader. I was far from impressed! It was at a dealer's store in CT. In fact, I waited until 1992 before buying my first player - a Technics Bitstream. ... | |
Spatium Audio review Spatium Audio Oscillator Crystals: New Frontiers In Physics. I am eagerly awaiting the textbook! | |
Spatium Audio review How much acid did you take? | |
You guys are the greatest! For classical try Mercury Living Presence recordings made by Donald Fine! | |
You guys are the greatest! Have a listen to the jazz recordings made by Rudy Van Gelder for Blue Note in the Fifties and Sixties! | |
Cable recommendations for Exposure 2010S2 ? I have two of the Aristons - a pre-Linn version and a later S - great TT's - equal to the Sondeks! You already have a fine system! I'd leave it alone and just enjoy listening to favorite recordings! IMO there is no need to be neurotic about wire. ... |