Responses from rodge827
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood? Charney Audio Maesteo Extreme the cost will vary depending on the driver chosen. Listened to it with the Lii 8 and Voxativ 1.6. Amazing sound in a small footprint. | |
Dual SVS PB-1000 Pro versus Dual Rythmik LV12F- does Servo Technology Matter. @bladerunner6 Your room is 10' x 12' and you will have placement issues for sure. I would lean towards the SVS SB (sealed box) type of sub, which one depends on your budget and space constraints. Whatever you do decide on though, seriously consid... | |
New Transport? / Streamer? / CD Player? Sparkler Audio has a new CD player the S515 that has digital input and can be used as a dac. You will need to purchase a separate digital inter phase for a usb input if you want to go that route.I'm very pleased with my single box S503, very natur... | |
Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty” @newtoncr I had a conversation with Charney about your issues and he confirmed the problems you've been having. One thing though, according to him your room is 12x20 but the rear wall is open to a much larger room? So the speaker is actually tryi... | |
List your breakthrough products that you’ve discovered on this audiophile Journey. +1 for the Dspeaker Antimode products. When I had a dual sub system the Antimode 2.0 brought the sound to a whole new level of clarity and coherence. Now I use an Antimode 8033c for my sub in the living room HT set up with exceptional results! | |
Favorite Live Concert Recordings Alison Krauss + Union Station Live Lou Rawls- LiveAnd many of the others already mentioned | |
Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty” newtoncr, With a new amp, preamp, and speakers you will need a lot of run in time. Probably in the 300-500 hour range. You have a lot going on right now that will affect the sound. Tubes from Andy are a good idea. He knows his stuff and good tube... | |
What traditional dynamic speakers deliver a sonic signature similar to a horn speaker? +1 for the Charney Audio horns. Why not just buy a horn speaker instead of looking for the "horn sound" in a conventional box design. Charney has a number of designs to fit budget and room size. I have a pair and have no desire to look at anything... | |
How loud are you typically listening? 75-90 depends on the music and the day. | |
Am I crazy? Definitely! astorey, I may have missed it but what is your budget? | |
Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty” Very nice...enjoy :-) | |
Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty” newtoncr, congrats you’ve made a great choice! Which driver are you choosing for your Excalibur? | |
Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty” I have had my Charney horns in Cherry since 2016 with no cracking issues whatsoever! I live on the coast in South Jersey and we have high humidity year round with heat in winter and ac in the summer. Interesting how you can comment without actuall... | |
Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty” Yes you can crank up the volume with Charney Audio horns. As with any speaker your room will determine the effect. The Volti’s will play loud and clean but lack emotional engagement to the music/artist. More of a pro-sound if you will. The Charney... | |
The Most "Analog" CD Player? Sparkler Audio S503 is a very analog sounding player. I have ow and I’m very impressed with its sound and tonal balance. |