Responses from rodge827
What other hobby... Is there a difference between a hobby and a pastime? Dunno | |
What other hobby... Seems to me that no matter what hobby your into there is an industrial complex behind it to drive you into insanity! There is always the upgrade, MKII, and newer better technology that keeps us running like rats to a dumpster! I’m a golfer, boat o... | |
Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers can you compare Charney with Tektone or Volti ?I have never listened to Tektons but Volti yes at the 2015 NY show. Volti was exhibiting a few rooms down and across the hall from Charney. Volti had his large horns and bass unit, the name escapes me... | |
purchasing US made speakers Charney Audio Companions would be a good fit. Depending on your choice of driver they should fit right into your budget. They are hand crafted in the great state of NJ USA!! | |
Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers I prefer a single full range driver to multiple drivers. I have a pair of Charney Audio horns and love what they do. Over the years I’ve had multiple driver towers, 2-way bookshelf’s, open baffle, etc... None have ever come close to the intimacy o... | |
Speaker upgrade around 100k retail The Charney Audio Concerto Lumaca at $85k is hands down the winner! Take a look here: to them at Charney Audio | |
SS Integrated amp w/front-mounted 1/8” mini-jack for personal media players ($1~3k range) Digital Amplifier Company (DAC) Stereo Maraschino (STM) has a 1/8 input on the front and it sounds very good. The STM has a number of power supplies offered for your wattage needs. | |
Best CD player under $2000 Sparkler Audio makes a very good sounding nos CD player for about $1700.00. Sparklers designer is from 47 Labs and knows what he is doing. I have had mine for about a year and really like the sound. | |
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience Most of those very expensive speakers are way over priced to begin with! Opened up a pair of B&W 801s many years ago and could not believe the cheap crossover parts used. Same for Snell CV awesome sound from vey poor parts and cheap drivers. M... | |
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience Charney Audio in Somerset NJ will give you exactly what your looking for. Engage in intimate 3D listening with articulate bass from a well designed and constructed work of art. If you drive or take mass transit Charney will accommodate you. Contac... | |
Recommended Speaker Design for Corner / Near-Wall Placement? The Charney Audio Maestro with Voxativ drivers are made to be placed close to front wall and in corners. Large engaging soundstage with bass. That will fit well for your room size and restrictions. | |
CD Transport to pair with Audio Note DAC 5 - suggestions? Sparkler Audio makes a very good transport. I’m using my s503 CD player as a transport and the results are fantastic. Best trans I ever had was a highly modified 47 Labs FLatfish. Wish I never got rid of it but the audio bug bit and... http://www.... | |
What are the best Bluetooth headphones? If noise canceling is required I purchased my wife a pair of Bose 700. She was complaining my music listening was too loud and she couldn’t hear the TV with standard BT Scull Candy Hesh. Best audio purchase I have ever made!!! :-) Oh and they soun... | |
Your "Best of..." audio manufacturer in each state NJ - Charney AudioPA - Digital Amplifier Company OR- Jena Labs | |
Top notch integrated vs DAC direct into stereo amp My take is the simplest path is best. I’m currently listening to a Digital Amplifier Company (DAC) DAC 2 HSV (High Spec with Volume control) direct to a DAC 2 Cherry. This is about as pure a signal you can get and I’m really digging the results. N... |