
Responses from rodman99999

Do older power cables still hold up to newer ones?
 I enjoy the humor  @jasonbourne52 brings to the table.                       Big fan of Greek Tragicomedy, too?  
Is this a audioquest cable counterfeit fake?
@bishop55 -      I would think: contacting the cable’s maker would be the best course, for the most decisive answer.              An Audioquest resource, for verifying cable authenticity, on this ... 
The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices?
@cd318 - "And this time the government isn't even bothering to hide the fact that they're in on it too. Sorry Mr Schwab, we've all seen your plan, and no thanks."                                                       WHAT?       You mean: yo... 
The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices?
     AND: they just THOUGHT things were bad back then!  
Schiit's solid-state 6SN7
             They offer a fifteen day, money-back, trial period.      At least it would be a low-risk experiment*, for the, "curious".                                *No poxes, just postage  
Schiit's solid-state 6SN7
     That had to be one of the funniest, Seinfeld run-on, jokes ever aired.  
Well I joined the Silversmith FIDELIUM Speaker cable club today
It's a shame that so many of these threads devolve rather than serving as a resource based on real world experience for those seeking to learn about products they may wish to audition.                                                            ... 
Dedicated AC Circuits: It's not the noise, it's the upstream problems
@ozzy - While you’re at it, also check the connections in the breaker box. I was surprised that a couple of mine were not fully tightened down. ozzy      Some folks neglect to come back in a little while to retighten connections, after a new ... 
Best Type of Interconnect for Turntable?
    Make that, "TOO many variables..."     Need to proofread/proof-read/proof read, now and then!  
Best Type of Interconnect for Turntable?
     What you pick for a phono cable (for the best sound), should be determined by the type of cartridge chosen (MC/MM/MI) and that cart's specific loading requirements*.      To many variables for any specific advice, until you narrow the field ... 
HiFi audio Fuse on a CD Transport
                            Try it and report back. It's such a polarizing topic, so the answer always is YMMV.                                                 +1  
Voltage divider/attenuator
     Regardless of the examples you’ve mentioned; with 10V in, you’ll end up with .909V out.      Seems to me: the use of 50 (R1) and 12 (R2) Ohm resistors, giving a 1.94V output, would yield better results (sonically), 1V being kind of wimpy, fa... 
Kimber Cable Select
Will the C2700 preamp translate warmth into the system using these cables...?      You’ll undoubtedly have enough valves in your system, to tune the tone to your own tastes, especially: if you get a tubed CD player.      ie: If things aren’t w... 
Kimber Cable Select
@farne230 -       Here's a way to select from a variety of Kimber's Kables, without having to purchase before auditioning:           Use their Lending Library (providing you find... 
Comment about SS and Tubes
      The guys at Dahlquist designed the DQ-LP1 crossover, to mate a sub to their DQ-10 speakers.        Being that their weren't a whole lot of self-powered subwoofers, back in the day; that little unit got a lot of application.        I used o...