

Responses from rooze

ifi iPhono 3 "Black Label" Anyone?
Update on the iPhono3 - I'm at around the 100-hour mark with the unit and sat down again last night for a serious listen.The sound has certainly evolved since my last listening session a week or so ago. The soundstage has deepened significantly, a... 
Going Price for Apogee Divas?
It's a tough one that is. They may not be buzzing now, but will they withstand being handled out of your place and into a new location? What about shipping?Most folks will be thinking that it's just a matter of time before one hears that first lit... 
ifi iPhono 3 "Black Label" Anyone?
Hey Lowrider,The new 3 comes standard with  iPower X, I don't know what that contributes to the sound at this point but it looks like a walwart on steroids! 
Standmount speakers. I have $5000.
If you like a BIG sound from small boxes and enjoy a little romantic lushness then the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M is a good buy. Used, $3-4kIf you want top notch transparency and laser focused images, QLN springs to mind. 
Help Needed (please) From Aurender N100H User
OK, Thanks, guys.I think a factory reset is what I'll do if there's no simple way to stop showing Tidal tracks.Cheers 
Importance of phase and timing optimization when incorporating sub woofers ?
I started a thread a while back with similar concerns, and opinions were all over the place, as it seems they are here.Most opinions were against the notion that phase and time were important when setting up a sub, or multiple subs for 2-channel m... 
Phono's $2100 to $2600
I had a Chinook and Zesto 1.2 for several months and favored the Zesto by a fair margin. I sold the Chinook.I now have the Zesto and just received the Allnic H1202 which I’ve been using almost nonstop since it arrived a few days ago.The Allnic is ... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
Aesthetix Calypso is a great buy and you can snag one for under $2500if you can stretch your budget then look at Allnic Audio. They have the reputation of being bulletproof and the one I just bought a while back sounds fantastic. 
Phonostage comparisons
I found the Manley Chinook to have that full-bodied tube sound that you’re looking for.  
Recent upgrade to Cronus Magnum
Just my two pennies worth, your description of the Cronus is exactly what I heard from a Primaluna integrated a little while ago, so I’d think twice about including that as a possible replacement. 
Subwoofers and Phase Question For You Sub Experts
@m-db Rooze, way off topic questions.What model phono cartridge are you using and what did the Zesto Audio Andros bring to your setup?mUsing a ZYX Ultimate and the Zesto is great!! Actually just posted a brief review of it earlier today... maybe y... 
Subwoofers and Phase Question For You Sub Experts
Wow this has turned into a great thread. I was a little concerned about it going off the rails early on, but it hasn't.Thanks to everyone who has chimed in so far and keep the ideas coming.My take away so far is mostly derived from an earlier post... 
Subwoofers and Phase Question For You Sub Experts
@audiozenologyI have them crossed around 60hz but I’ve experimented quite a bit with different settings. My room size is part of the issue, 17x16 x 8.5 ‘Point taken about bass arrays and the mic investment.cheersRooze 
Subwoofers and Phase Question For You Sub Experts
@millercarbon”Mains are Talon Khorus X. Not that it matters”It matters to me, or I wouldn’t have asked. 
Subwoofers and Phase Question For You Sub Experts
@jaytor great suggestions, thanks. I had a set of the Carver Amazing Platinums with their open baffle bass system and though blending with the ribbon was flawed, the bass could be made to sound very good. I’m familiar with the GT Audioworks subs h...