Responses from rooze
US Gear overseas - Voltage Conversion Questions Lyonpowers, I'd start by checking that the transformers are adequately rated for your equipment. You need to find the VA rating and ensure it's at least double that of your equipment, preferably more, since transformers are inherently inefficient.... | |
tubes or no tubes your tubes and be happy (don't worry :)Try to find a current production amp from a good company, one that doesn't require any real maintenance or tricky biasing etc. Most amps have quick and easy biasing procedures and some are aut... | |
How Long Did it Take to Burn In a new piece? 'break-in' is a psycho-acoustic phenomenon and doesn't exist outside of our minds. It's our way of handling the disappointment of a new component, without having to consciously admit to disappointment. What actually happens during break-in is that... | |
DOA- do we need to redefine the 'A'? One of the reasons used equipment exchanges hands at such marked down prices is that both buyer and seller have increased risks in transacting the deal. Add the Internet to the equation and the fact that deals often occur without a verbal intercha... | |
tubes or no tubes What about a hybrid (teh hee)....with a champagne faceplate with black and silver accents.Glad to help. | |
why spikes under speakers??? Tom,Thanks again. Your explanation answers my questions, and raises others! (that's a good thing!).I honestly think that we haven't scratched the surface as far as vibration control of audio components goes. I've read some theory from Michael Gree... | |
Classical music - starting points One of the members of our audio club has but together a 'Classical For Dummies', which I think is an excellent resource for anyone feeling classically challenged. Here's the link - Classical for Dummies | |
why spikes under speakers??? Tom, help me understand why vibrational energy wants to go to ground?I understand that in an electrical circuit with a anode and cathode, applying a PD will cause motion in the circuit and that electron flow will occur via the path of least resist... | |
If Audio bug never hit you, what hobby might have? I'd spend more time in fetish website's...probably collect WWI helmets.Other than that I can see myself getting back into collecting/trading marbles at some point, I always found that relaxing. | |
What's your latest "Discovery" It's more of a re-discovery, but I picked up Jah Wobble's 'Rising above Bedlam' on the weekend and have since ordered another 3 Jah Wobble CD's at Amazon....I listened to this stuff 10 yrs ago and it sounds even better today! | |
Wisconsin - Anyone interested? The next NEWAS club meeting is Sunday May 29th at 1pm in De Pere.We hope to have a couple of goodies to play with, the DEQX room correction unit and hopefully a set of gold IC's from new cable manufacturer Pear Cables. (Check out their website, it... | |
Cable support poll. CD Jewel cases with cushions placed on the cables above the jewel cases. Works a treat and finally I have a use for some of the crap CD's that I've bought in the past. | |
Opinions, Is this better for the Members? So it isn't really a valid feedback system.It's like the opposite of feedback (feedforward?) The 'new' system essentially makes the posting of negative feedback difficult, if not impossible. So why have feedback at all? I could have a positve FB o... | |
Can you ever go back and be happy? I own Magnepan's and whilst I enjoy a lot of what they do, they don't do everything well. So yes, I could probably see myself living with a dynamic speaker for a while and perhaps at some point trying another planar or stat or whatever. They're ju... | |
Blue circle Audio BC86 MKIII Noisehound.... Chad, there's a review here. |