Responses from roxy54
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers @thecarpathian Thank You Sir! This isn't a ''maybe" or "sometimes", it is something that I believe must happen with all speakers. I have had this experience with almost all of the 20 sets that I have owned over the years. I think I picked up th... | |
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers @stereo5 Do you know if locktite was used ? I've never seen it on any speakers I've had. If not, I'll guarantee that your drivers are loose. | |
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers If you haven't you should. A driver is ideally supposed to act as a perfect piston, and if it is loose and shaking that isn't possible, and yes, it is very audible. I'm sure that there are members here who will say that they check them on aa regul... | |
Trends in value of vintage / used audio equipment? Amen. | |
Package Has Disappeared in USPS System You have been more than reasonable. It's time to get tough. Demand a replacement or refund immediately. | |
McIntosh MC2105 paired with a C53 pre? I don't see how you would have any problem.I've matched the 2105 with 7 different pre's with good success. Most recently the First Sound which is by far the best. | |
There Is Nothing Like the Real Thing - Our State of the Art @viber6 Pure nonsense. There are all types of live sound presentation, and all are good for different purposes You prefer in-your-face perspective, not everyone does. | |
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why? About a year and a half ago I suddenly decided that it was time to try something new, and I took the chance on a pair of Odyssey Audio Kismet speakers that I saw on USAM which were located in Southern California (road trip from AZ). I have no reg... | |
The # 1 Christmas Album The Carpenters double disc and Glen Canpbell - That Christmas Feeling. Randy Travis comes in a close third. | |
There Is Nothing Like the Real Thing - Our State of the Art This thread has gone from silly to senseless. | |
There Is Nothing Like the Real Thing - Our State of the Art @jsalerno277 What you said is an opinion, not an expose. It's mostly true, but we all know that our systems aren't nearly as real as the real thing, so... | |
Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse After all of that? | |
Krell Moves to new location Wow. I guess that is just how it happened. I feel bad for those who lost their gear that was in for service. I would be sad and angry, but what financial recourse is there when the company goes bankrupt? | |
Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse @onhwy61 I drove 7 hours over 20 years ago to a small high end store in Rochester NY to pick up a beautiful pair of Spendor 9/1s! They were worth it. | |
Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse I would do it if they are in good condition at that price. You’ve probably wanted and dreamed about them for years, and time goes very fast. I took the same chance years ago on a pair of Nestorovic 5AS speakers that I had dreamed about, and even t... |