
Responses from rsf507

Why price of Tannoy speakers from online retailers in UK is cheaper than in US
Import Duties on speakers are 4.9% easy to look up on Customs Import tariffs. 
One Amp To ‘Rule’ Them All....
I've been following Bricasti Design and there seems several mastering studios using their amps as well as their digital.  
Do I have to use a streamer/renderer to play music from an NAS?
Of the different software out there to use what do you think is the best? Jriver? Roon? Something else? 
Recommendation on power amp
I've been in HR for so long and can say that a leopard can't change its spots, just my perspective. 
Recommendation on power amp
Audiotroy I guess you don't know me well enough for I could have been a customer of yours but again based on your many advertisement posts you lost this customer. Same with a local car dealer, based on their tactics I drove 100 miles and bought th... 
Electrostatic pros and cons.
I've heard and now dream about the Sanders speakers. Quick, dynamic, clean, transparent, life-like, moved me like no other. Downside was requiring bi-amping, 2 sets of speaker cables and 2 extra XLR cables, can add up $$$$$ quickly. Will one day o... 
Krell XD gear in the House Initial Impressions
More sales ramble here but this is nothing new.  
Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter CD and Blu Ray tray treatment?
I think I'll send mine off to be cryo' 
Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter CD and Blu Ray tray treatment?
@elizabeth  I tried the same refrig magnets and yes they do work, maybe not to the effect the ones selling for $600 do (but don't know since I've not compared) but others should try this tweek out and let all know their experience.https://www.amaz... 
Esoteric A100 Service Nightmare
But Elizabeth oh so true!  
Esoteric A100 Service Nightmare
Makes me never want to even consider any Esoteric gear in the future. Thanks for letting the audio community know.And sorry for your troubles.  
Kef Blade or Kef Blade Two for bigger room
Have to agree with @ricred1  the Blades never wowed me but OMG the Vivid Giya 1 or 2's made me sit up and listen. Hey we all listen for different things and hear differently. Granted it's sometimes what we want to hear. 
Pass labs XA-160.8 monos - or -  Mark Levinson 536 monos for Magico's
Since you use the Bricasti M1SE why not consider their M28 mono's? I've heard them and wish I could afford them, bettered some Pass Labs I've heard.  
Looking for the best Preamp with a phono circuit built in
I would search for a used Atmasphere MP3 unfortunately they are like dinosaur teeth....hard to come by. 
Recommendation on power amp
@audiotroy  the majority of your posts do seem more advertorial. You don't blatantly put down gear you don't sell but instead say something to the effect that brand X (that you don't sell) is good but brand Y (that you do sell) is much better. We ...