
Responses from rsf507

OPINIONS PLEASE - Phonostage for new Rega P8/Apheta 2 - Sutherland 20/20 or Allnic 1201
GREAT system! Have you considered the Gold Note PH10 it's very versatile and can be bought new for under $1300. It also has an optional external power supply although I've not heard that unit myself. 
Electrostatic Speakers
+++1 Sanders 10e. I don't own them yet but have heard them many times, just lovely. They will be my next speaker. 
Electrostatic Speakers
Another vote for the Sanders speakers. I believe he warranties them for life (his but try and find someone who owns them and have a listen. 
Nature of the current used speaker market
My dealer told me this many years ago."Do you know how to make 1 million $ in Hi-End Audio? Start with 2 million $" 
All in one Pre/Power/Streaming/DAC or Streaming Preamp/DAC combo ~$2k-4k recommendations
@joshelston have not heard the GN is-1000 but use the company’s PH-10 phono unit and love it, built extremely well. 
Nature of the current used speaker market
How many of us need new/used mega buck speakers every year or two? Enjoy your music for a while.  
All in one Pre/Power/Streaming/DAC or Streaming Preamp/DAC combo ~$2k-4k recommendations
How about the Gold Note is-1000? higher price point but I'm sure you can get one less than MSRP.  
Best Phone Stage for under $1,000.000
I'm enjoying my Gold Note PH10, very, very versatile can be bought for $1250. 
High quality amplifier and network player >200W
I haven’t heard it myself but how about the Gold Note is-1000? Gold Note makes some nice gear, I do use their phono unit. 
Looking for a preamp used under 5k
On AudioAsylum there's a NIB Atmasphere MP-3, I own one and it's wonderful. Just slightly more than you are looking to spend but at the asking price you can't go wrong. 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
I would like to know the capacitance of the panel itself, the electrode spacing and the polarizing voltage. Direct Drive is the best way to go. I have found many cases where half the power goes into the step up transformer and other EQ component... 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
Great, great, great thread! Ramtubes can you tell us what amps would be good to drive the Sanders 10e electrostatic speakers?  
What separate tube phono stage do you use ?
@inna NVO is located in Nicosia, Cyprus  
What separate tube phono stage do you use ?
Do a search of NVO (New Valve Order) a small company from Cyprus competes with the big boys. 
Ayon vs Audio Research
I was contemplating an Ayon way back but as I searched for info found lots of concerns on reliability and support.Search the archives