
Responses from rsf507

Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
Again I'll 2nd jkrejcii post, Sanders 10e speakers. I've heard them many times at a dealers and they are plain musical. OP try and get a listen. 
Phono Stages with External Power Supplies...Worth It?
Can't say about the Odyessey power supply but I've ordered the $900 Gold Note PSU for the $1250 PH10 phono unit. Is it worth it? Several users say yes, hope I find it the case myself. 
Gold Note PSU10 , anyone yet get one?
@chakster  thanks for the follow-up, I just ordered the PSU10 for $875 not much more than you paid. Will report my findings once heard.Thanks again. 
Gold Note PH10 vs Parasound JC3 Jr
Just read all the positive posts in the Analog forum here on Agon on the PH10 then read the 3 reviews in Positive Feedback then you will know for yourself. Happy reading! 
Gold Note PSU10 , anyone yet get one?
@chakster It's been almost a week and curious minds would like to know your honest assessment of the PSU10, is it worth the asking price? 
Speaker Recommendation: 20K range
Ever consider the Sanders 10e speakers speakers are just so quick and clean sounding. Try and have a listen. 
The "how many reviews it got" rule
My take on this is that most equipment is pretty good these days BUT it's the synergy that is more important. Also as my dealer always tells me the room plays more into the sound than one thinks or wants to admit. 
On the fence about Vinyl need a good phono stage for A/B testing
Again I 2nd, 3rd the GoldNote PH10 read all the reviews, there's like 10+If it was just one or two but so many have praised this little gem you should at least see if you can hear one. If I remember Positive Feedback reviewed it 3 times in a VERY ... 
84k speakers... Big disappointment
I can say one thing that anyone buying 84k speakers is not reading these forums. 
On the fence about Vinyl need a good phono stage for A/B testing
Don't want to confuse you geek101 but have a look at the Gold Note PH10, it's very versatile (and has many GREAT reviews). 
Gold Note PSU10 , anyone yet get one?
@chakster  has it arrived yet? Please don't hesitate to give initial impressions. 
Considering A Hegel Amp. Need Experiences and Observations
@limniscate why would a roughly 15k amp not sound better than a 5k amp? Not saying price has anything to do with sound but! What speakers are you using? 
How much to spend on phono preamp
I can answer this, yes it accepts both MM & MC. I bought mine here. 
How much to spend on phono preamp
Agree with Jackd 1st suggestion GoldNote PH10 because of it's flexibility but mostly because of it's sonics. 
best preamps
So let's see about 24 responses to the OP and around 27 suggestions......that seems right!