Responses from rsf507
Parasound JC3+ I found it to be noisy for a SS phono unit. Sold it after 2 months. | |
"Kondo M1000 pre with phono" or "Takumi K-10 pre + Kondo M7 phono? If you have to think about cost than Kondo is not for you. If you think about sonics then as I stated previously an older Kondo M1000 would be your last pretty. If you can afford it just do it and don't second guess, be happy and enjoy life it's t... | |
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio Jea48Speaks volume about UA credibility. | |
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio Several years ago I called and spoke with Kevin and it took me all of 5 minutes to decide I'd not do business with him as well. As others have said he came across as egotistical and just plain not friendly. | |
"Kondo M1000 pre with phono" or "Takumi K-10 pre + Kondo M7 phono? Kondo M1000mkii as long as it is one of the original versions designed by Kondo-san. The newer stuff coming out of Japan with the Kondo name is not the same IMO. | |
Taralabs cables I too tried some Tara Cables, The One's and found them OK but nothing special. Luckily I bought them used and then sold them 4 months later at just a slight loss. Compared them to a cable out of Poland that's not very well known and at a fraction ... | |
Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them? There's been a few of the Crescendo's on Agon FS at around the 9k mark. Is this a good used price for these speakers? | |
Taralabs cables Who cares about reviews it's hearing in your own system and I've heard Tara cables and they don't do anything for me. (And you're a joke with all these info-commercials). | |
Taralabs cables I'm not joking, I have listened to some very expensive Tara cables and while good I've preferred other cables, and some were less expensive some more expensive but based on audiolabyrinth's info-commercials he is single handily destroying the comp... | |
Taralabs cables Based soley on these info-commercials by Audiolabrynth I would never by Tara cables. Just saying. Tara Labs should make him stop he is hurting their image. | |
Who is the WORST Audio Shop? Why would anyone buy from AA, they charge LIST price for most items except those items they cannot even give away. There are great dealers that will give 15-25% off list! | |
WORST Experience Ever in Dealing With Woodbridge Stereo NJ bcowen is correct, it's the person who ships either UPS or FedEx that MUST initiate the claim, not the receiver. Once a claim is received then the shipper contacts the receiver and will come-out to see the package and verify if there's a claim tha... | |
I am in the market for a $ 5-6 k monoblock amplif Class D is a good choice, look at Merrill Audio and do a search on their THOR monoblocks, can't go wrong IMHO. | |
Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them? grannyring can you tell us what you pd for a used price?Thanks | |
Reference level DAC + Streamer Price doesn't always mean better! |