
Responses from rsf507

Aesthetix Io transformer noise
Wow and people still buy this brand?  Buyer beware.  
Taralabs cables
Actually it was a Walmart rack system so please get your facts straight.  
Taralabs cables
Dealer brought one over did nothing actually made things worse!YMMV  
$16K new/used speaker question?
Acoustic Zen Crescendo's are one of my favorites. Sounds Of Silence sells them for way below list if ever interested. I'm just a happy customer. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Dealers don't sell cables at retail and if you have ever bought cables at retail them you should look for a new dealer! 
Speaker Cable trial
So Mr Lee gives discounts meaning he sells direct bypassing dealers.  
Looking for a power cable upgrade
I use a bunch of the Nanotec ac cords and love them,  they now sell below the $500 (I paid more for my own!) 
Turntable isolation...
I considered a Minus-k but the weight distribution thing turned me off went with a Vibraplane and am thrilled! 
Taralabs cables
denon1 please keep us posted on how lean your sound becomes.  
Taralabs cables
Tara = LEAN  (except maybe their 40k cables and like anyone really buys those)Sorry denon1 you will find out soon enough 
Comparing the Pass Labs XA30.5 to the XA 30.8
Did anyone compare the x30.8 to the Merrill Thors or Veritas amps? I heard them side by side and the Thor's were clearly faster and cleaner a no contest. 
Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?
This gear (H-Cat) was discussed at length years ago and there were many concerns around the company and very few found the gear to live up to what was advertised. Sounds like just more rhetoric to me.      
Taralabs cables
And you've heard this yourself?  I doubt it! How can you talk about this cable without ever listening.  
Looking for a power cable upgrade
I've been using some nanotec cords with the Furutech FI-50 connectors with great success. (the connectors alone are worth more than the cable!)There's a guy selling them for under $500 on the asylum, do a search under nanotec. Good luck 
Taralabs cables
It's only b/c of you audiolabyrinth that I will never consider Tara cables, you just regurgitate what's on the Tara Labs web site without ever hearing most of their up-to-date products. I've talked to others that feel the same way, if only Tara ...