
Responses from rsf507

Taralabs cables
Keith = Audiolabyrinth 
Taralabs cables
Audiolabyrinth / KeithSo I was talking to Devon Scott of Tara Labs and asked about Keith over on Audiogon and he said "Who"? Doesn't seem you are very well know at Tara Labs! 
Taralabs cables
Audiolabyrinth and you know the above how? You have listened to this cable in your own system? 
Taralabs cables
Audiolabyrinth yes cables make a HUGE difference in the sound of ones system, and to me, power cables can make the biggest difference but my point is we are talking about wire. Why does wire have to cost what an amplifier costs? Just because it so... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
So why did the review give only a Sound Quality of 89% ???? 
Taralabs cables
No there are not many cable companies that have prices like these, yes there are a few and unless the rest of your system is up to the task and if you have more money than *OD then these cables are out of the reach of just about all of us mere mor... 
Which phono preamps among these three?
Ihcho have you ever heard or considered the NVO brand? I've listened to them and find them just so natural sounding with the best 3D presentation I've yet heard. 
Taralabs cables
But it's just wire! Yes I'm the first to agree cables sound different and power cords can make or break a system but this kind of $$$$ for wire? I have no problem with a 20k amp or a 20k turntable but wire! I just don't get it. 
Taralabs cables
All for just $18,000 / 1m. What a bargain! 
Preamp phono suggestions
NVO One-SE heard one at a dealers and was blown away! 
Taralabs cables
Audiolabyrinth have you actually heard all of the Tara Labs ac cords? If so what are each sonic character? 
Turntable with stable speed.
Ttweights you post this after 2 years from the last post! Wow 
Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors
Melbguy1 you are right I have not heard either of these connectors in my system but have heard both in a friends system and liked the Rhodium better. I'll admit I was generalizing because over the years I have never liked gold plated anything as m... 
Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors
I have to agree with Tbg, never have found gold plating anything to sound tonally to my likening. I'd go with the Rhodium based version although I have not heard either. 
Allnic 5000DAC
I usually go by sound but based just on these specs I wouldn't put this unit on my long list for a listen.