Responses from rsf507
AMR DP 777 or LampizatOr Level 5 I think the wait for the AMR SE versions has been to loooooong and many customers have moved on (see Sksos1 post above). It's unfortunate because AMR was thought of as one of the top players but as time moves on people forget. | |
Stand out phono stages A good buddy just placed an order for the new NVO se phono unit and there's almost a 3 month wait! They must be doing something right. | |
When is digital going to get the soul of music? I've heard much of the best digital (no need to mention names) but every time I listen to vinyl I hear the soul of the music, never with digital. | |
Time to blast off from Rhea DON'T buy a JC3 I had it and it was noisier than a tubed unit I finally went with. (NVO) | |
State of the Source: Server, computer....or what? "We currently have a few lightly used Antipodes servers available as well".Wow I didn't think these forums were the place to sell items, especially by a manufacturer. A bit of crossing the line here IMHO. | |
What's the best Dac for the money I'd suggest the Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 DSD SE with Femto clock upgrade, all for under 3K. | |
Purist Audio Design ALL cables have a sound you have to find the ones that match your priorities. Some like a black black background, some are more extended on top some more extended at the bottom. | |
Cost effective Schumann Resonator I've been listening to the original RR-77 for many years and it does do everything the manufacturer claims and I've too have felt "relaxed" during and after listening sessions. | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Matt didn't Alex say somewhere that he shipped the DSD-S with like 700 hrs already logged on the unit? (Don't really want to go thru all the threads but I do remember something to this effect). | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD His search will NEVER end! Seems Matt is more interested in equipment than muzic. | |
Taralabs cables I can't but think that people that buy such high priced cables are not audiophiles but simply want to say I own a $500,000 music system! It's sad that those of us mere mortals will never hear such a product. | |
Preamps better than Parasound JC-2 ? I'd definetly be keeping the TVC, sounds like the JC is not a good "fit" in your system. Personnally I've heard several Parasound gear and have never been impressed. I tried myself to like their JC-3 phono but for a solid state found it noisy!Keep... | |
Brinkmann/Spiral Groove/TW Acustic Black Night...? Ive judged and want to know manufactures antics. | |
Brinkmann/Spiral Groove/TW Acustic Black Night...? I like to hear things like this. It reflects bad on the manufacturer not the dealer IMHO.Dealers tell all, keep us informed. | |
Any listening experience of TTW TTs? Do a search you will find LOTS of negative comments as well from speed issues to communication issues. |