
Responses from rsf507 is a SCAM
Thanks for the heads up @oxfordamps   
Tweaking Your Speaker Placement
Easy I use one of these. 
Auris tonearm upgrade for Sota Moonbeam?
@safulop1 ​Why do we have to connect individual wires to the four pins when a plug would make more sense? I would suspect b/c of weight. ​​​​​​  
Isolation systems
@sidog1460 what footers did you ever try and up with?  
Which company manufactures this Ethernet switch for the other?
+1 @audphile1  I've tried different switches no difference. My dealer tells me not to waste my $$ either. Even a manufacturer of digital gear says the same thing. Listen yourself but don't be fooled by those with "golden" ears.  
Joseph Audio dealer in the northeast?
@relaxasaurus 2 emails to whom?   
What is the most important component in your audio chain?
The most important component is my ears.  
Which sounds better 2 way or 3 way speaker design
A 4 way and don't look back!   
Streamer Recommendations
@rbstehno can you explain how use use Roon and stream in your car then not require SiriusXM? That seems like a nice savings. 👌  
Streamer Recommendations
@brbrock take a quick read on this thread I'd suggest a dac with built-in streamer. Doesn't have to be a Bricasti there are many great combo units too choose. I'm sure some of the... 
Why I Sold My Aurender N200
I've asked my dealer if I can do better streaming from my Bricasti M3 and has told me "maybe" for 15-20k additionally. He said just enjoy your music and if you really want better or different try the Bricasti M21. Love honest dealers.  
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?
In my experience they can change the sound but not saying better or worse. Although several ac cords have done wonders and wouldn't think twice about spending $$$ for one.  
Why bogus retail price from some sellers?
@winoguy17 I've done the same to 2 different sellers. Still they never changed the price. Still the products went unsold.  
Rein in the winter static
@lewm which static meter did you get? Cost?  
Rein in the winter static
Read this review: Also DS Audio makes a similar product.