
Responses from rsf507

Is the Rockport Avior II an Endgame Speaker?
I heard these here in MA at Goodwin's. Bass was a bit muddy and even told the rep who said "yeah a bit" but everything is is fine! Once heard it was hard for me to ignore.  
Burmester 218.....
This thread has turned into a pi$$ing contest. Who can write their name in the snow in 6 different languages without using your hands!   
Tom Evans Phono Preamp Repair
Great video and some interesting info but not surprisingly what was found inside. I would like to hear from actually owners of this phono unit for their thoughts on its sonics.  
Looking for High Quality Streamer Only Options (NO DAC)?
Another shout out to the Bricasti M5. Roon ready, made in USA and fantastic support.  
TL Electronics
@black73 have you reported this info to Audiogon? Why is he still active?  
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners…
I've never owned Harbeth's but have heard them dozen of times at shows, at a local dealer and a good buddy ownes the 40.1. Just not my cup of coffee, seems too colored and honestly WAY overpriced. (But what high end equipment isn't). Have you list... 
It is December 1, 2024 - Do you know where your Caladans are????
$3500 speakers and you've waited over 1 yr! Maybe for 50 -75k speakers I'd wait that long but $3500? Call and request/demand your funds be returned. Not worth the anxiety IMHO    
Phono stage for second system
How about a Gold Note PH-10. With a discount it's one of the best versatile units I've heard IMO.  
Breaking news! Jays Audio is moving to Texas and takes interest in McIntosh
+1 @john1 you are 110% correct. NO phono # NO value of what he talks about. Seems he only wants $$$$$ gear to say "Hey look what I have!" BFD    
My wife weighed in…she wants piano white tower/bookshelf
@aj523 agree about the Fleetwood Deville speakers. Beautiful to look at but VERY limited low end. For the $$ you can do better IMO.   
HumminGuru Orbit Vinyl Record Static Remover
@lewm +1  
Help Deciding On New Speakers For Small Room, $10k budget
I believe someone already mentioned Franco Serblin. They have a new stand mounted I heard this year at Axpona called the Goldberg. Very even sounding and has that beautiful Italian look as well.  
Furutech 's Project V1 Power Cord.....question.
After hearing this cord I still have wonderful memories of it. Don't see many come up other than from overseas with wrong type of plug. What's a good "used" price for one?  
Retirement System Finally Completed: Impression of the Mola Mola Tambaqui
@herman +1  
Cartridge upgrade
@rfauto what dealer are you working with? It would be one that I would want to stay clear of.