Responses from rsf507
Is the Rockport Avior II an Endgame Speaker? I heard these here in MA at Goodwin's. Bass was a bit muddy and even told the rep who said "yeah a bit" but everything is is fine! Once heard it was hard for me to ignore. | |
Burmester 218..... This thread has turned into a pi$$ing contest. Who can write their name in the snow in 6 different languages without using your hands! | |
Tom Evans Phono Preamp Repair Great video and some interesting info but not surprisingly what was found inside. I would like to hear from actually owners of this phono unit for their thoughts on its sonics. | |
Looking for High Quality Streamer Only Options (NO DAC)? Another shout out to the Bricasti M5. Roon ready, made in USA and fantastic support. | |
TL Electronics @black73 have you reported this info to Audiogon? Why is he still active? | |
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners… I've never owned Harbeth's but have heard them dozen of times at shows, at a local dealer and a good buddy ownes the 40.1. Just not my cup of coffee, seems too colored and honestly WAY overpriced. (But what high end equipment isn't). Have you list... | |
It is December 1, 2024 - Do you know where your Caladans are???? $3500 speakers and you've waited over 1 yr! Maybe for 50 -75k speakers I'd wait that long but $3500? Call and request/demand your funds be returned. Not worth the anxiety IMHO | |
Phono stage for second system How about a Gold Note PH-10. With a discount it's one of the best versatile units I've heard IMO. | |
Breaking news! Jays Audio is moving to Texas and takes interest in McIntosh +1 @john1 you are 110% correct. NO phono # NO value of what he talks about. Seems he only wants $$$$$ gear to say "Hey look what I have!" BFD | |
My wife weighed in…she wants piano white tower/bookshelf @aj523 agree about the Fleetwood Deville speakers. Beautiful to look at but VERY limited low end. For the $$ you can do better IMO. | |
HumminGuru Orbit Vinyl Record Static Remover @lewm +1 | |
Help Deciding On New Speakers For Small Room, $10k budget I believe someone already mentioned Franco Serblin. They have a new stand mounted I heard this year at Axpona called the Goldberg. Very even sounding and has that beautiful Italian look as well. | |
Furutech 's Project V1 Power Cord.....question. After hearing this cord I still have wonderful memories of it. Don't see many come up other than from overseas with wrong type of plug. What's a good "used" price for one? | |
Retirement System Finally Completed: Impression of the Mola Mola Tambaqui @herman +1 | |
Cartridge upgrade @rfauto what dealer are you working with? It would be one that I would want to stay clear of. |