Responses from russ69
What's your definition of an audiophile? "Your system sounds like crap" See, I'm an audiophile! | |
I am indecisive about choice due to room size I am the king of small rooms, I have had many set-ups in small rooms that sounded great. In fact I had a 12X12 room not long ago. A small room has it’s limits on volume because the room gets saturated and the sound is bouncing all around. But list... | |
Electrostatic Speakers You should try to hear the newer model Martin-Logans XStat type loudspeakers, quite an improvement and easy to drive. Time is still progressing for electrostats and a LOT of changes have been made to make them easier to live with. Sanders has a ve... | |
Ohm Walsh F Hope of Resurrection The info on the OHM website says " All Ohm F’s are beginning the end of their functional lives. There is a foam damping material used around the base of the driver and inside that is failing from old age. We have never successfully repaired an Ohm... | |
Need Tubes Kevin has a big business to run, there is no way to Kevin has the same amount of time like he had 20 years ago. I still get great service from Upscale.P.S. You also get a 72 hour burn-in (for power tubes) and grading for no additional cost. | |
Suggestions for replacing the 6550 tube in the ARC Ref 6. The tubes that came with your amp can often be the best sounding tubes. When you buy different tubes the sound will change, sometimes for the better and sometimes not. | |
Ohm Walsh F Hope of Resurrection This is the info you need. | |
Seeking replacement option for Triangle Antal EZ woofer (damaged) FYI: The Triangle drivers are made by Triangle and require Triangle parts (cone). A replacement driver would be the easiest overwise you'll need a new cone kit and a re-cone expert.. | |
Selecting Preamp for MC452 amp seeking most enjoyable experience possible in price range "... Also notice the 452 requires 4.2 volts on its balanced inputs to reach its rated power output. With a typical Audio Research preamp, this might mean you could end up cranking the volume higher than you expect for normal listening but finding ... | |
Another Bass discussion... It's your system, tune it the way you want. | |
Which integrated amplifier . Musical Fidelity M3si. $1500 and a great match for Maggies. | |
Mixing & Matching Components "After two more pieces of McIntosh, of course."That a boy! | |
Magnepan 1.7 speakers (asking for a friend) Depending on the amps and volume expectations, maybe. I run the MMGs with a Prima Luna integrated at 42 watts and it works well but the 1.7s like more power than that. May I recommend the Martin-Logan ESL? Easy to locate, can be closer to the fron... | |
Mixing & Matching Components The idea is to match components that sound good together and have what we call "synergy". Buying the same brand is not the same thing. We mix and match components to get the best results. If for example your loudspeakers are lean sounding, we want... | |
$7000 preamp vs $700 receiver - Is the difference THAT significant? OP, get a Mac tube pre-amp. You want blue meters, so get the blue meters. It will be a huge sonic upgrade for you and you'll have a nice piece of gear, maybe for the rest of your life. The Peachtree amp is adequate from what I read but if it was m... |