

Responses from rvpiano

Solo streamer
Had a momentary blackout in the house yesterday. Aurender was on and lost connection to the tablet. Worked for hours to reestablish it. No luck. Called Aurender. They were not available. Turned it on this morning. Now working perfectly. Mysteriou... 
Solo streamer
You’re so right about that. It’s very, very difficult to get out of.  I started it but I think I stopped it in time.  As we know, the thing is to concentrate on the music.  
Solo streamer
Once you start to listen for sound, you really screw up your perception of reality. Every little thing is scrutinized and you lose track of the big picture, the music.   i’m happiest with my original settings and sticking with them.  I also like s... 
Solo streamer
My condolences for your lack of a streamer.  It must be tough. I just tried an experiment. I played critical mode using coax instead of USB and the sound improved. I’m going to keep in on this setting for a while.  
Solo streamer
Regarding critical listening on the Aurender, I don’t know why, but it seems to constrict the sound. With it off the sound opens up very appealingly. Again I don’t know why that happens, Theoretically, it should sound better with it on, but after ... 
Solo streamer
The magic box keeps amazing.  
Solo streamer
@stievus  Thanks for the tip about Qobuz.  Hopefully it would work.  
Solo streamer
Forgive me if I keep giving my impressions of the new streamer.  
Solo streamer
I’m sorry to keep raving about the streamer so much but I have one other observation: Unlike any other source, the Aurender actually forces you into the MUSIC being played.  No matter what I put on, I get drawn into it and can’t turn it off.  
Solo streamer
The only downside to Aurender is that the dynamic range on some tracks is too good; it ranges from almost inaudible to ear splitting in the space of a few minutes. Happily, on most tracks this doesn’t happen. Well, it can’t be perfect, can it?  
Solo streamer
I wrote to Aurender about the Alphabetical sorting, and searching of favorites and this is their reply: “The limitation related to Qobuz sorting is actually a limitation by Qobuz, not Aurender. They share something called an "API" that allows us ... 
Solo streamer
@audphile1  For some reason critical listening seems to cut out the highs.  
Solo streamer
I don’t listen to much pop, rock, and the like. But for classical orchestral music this streamer is extraordinary.  It separates instrumental choirs clearly, with plenty of air around instruments.  Never a hint of harshness no matter how loud.  Vi... 
Solo streamer
@audphile1  I’m using a fine power cord.   It sounds so good, at this point I don’t feel the need for a better USB.   But thanks for the suggestion.  
Solo streamer
Yes it is!