
Responses from sc53

Help on installing tubes, biasing...ARC VT100mk2
Yes, I was going to recommend the exact same link to Abe Collins' amazing how-to, step-by-step biasing procedure for this amp. His photos and instructions are fantastic. 
TT suggestions -- please
The comments about a suspended TT (eg the Linn) bouncing all over the place when you walk on a suspended floor are right on. I sold mine for that reason; I couldn't use it in my living room. However, if you place the TT on a wall-mounted shelf you... 
Bug Ugly
The Blue Circle lady pumps and purse in any color or size. 
What is best Subwoofer for Vienna Ac Beethovens
I used a REL Storm III with my Beethovens for music with superb results. Cannot recommend this combo highly enough. 
Amp for Dyn 25s/tube pre
For neutrality, power that seems beyond its 100-watt rating, and speed, try an Ayre V-3. They are available for under $1500 used on this site. If you want 150 watts, try the new Ayre V-5. I think Ayre amps are incredible, and many others agree. Ch... 
This Sistrum stuff works
I'm with Twl and Warren and everyone else on the value and performance of the Sistrum products. I have owned the Sistrum component rack and two speaker platforms (under my Genesis 500's) for nearly 2 years now and couldn't be happier. Like Brulee,... 
Great Classical/Spanish Guitar on SACD/CD????
I second the Assad brothers on CD for gorgeous recordings and performance. Also, you might like some of the lute recordings that are available on CD. I have recordings by Julian Bream, Paul O'Dette, and several other lutenists (whose names are not... 
any new Quad 11/12L owners?
Are these the dynamic box speakers that Quad is selling, with a piano gloss finish? I was surprised to see a pair at a local dealer's this weekend, I didn't know Quad made box speakers. They look superb but I didn't have a chance to listen to them. 
Fedex Warning: $100 Limit Insurance on Ground
I hope your FedEx Ground rep was just hopelessly misinformed, as is typical of that company. My Ground rep is unaware of this new "policy." I am sure they have had lots of claims because they have been doing LOTS of damage, see the many threads on... 
Whats the Best Cartridge for a LP12 w Ittok $ 500
I have always used van den Hul cartridges on my LP-12 w/Akito and have loved them. First I had the MM-1 (moving magnet, no longer in production) which sold for $500 and then I moved up to the MC-One Special (list $1350 but sometimes for sale used)... 
Inexpensive tweak
This tweak might actually turn out to be quite expensive should your cat need to be seen and treated by a vet for his upset stomach! 
Pristine Jazz
Any of the 180 gr classic jazz LPs available from the Acoustic Sounds or Music Direct catalogs sound absolutely pristine, deep and rich and fabulous! I have been purchasing 7-8 a year for several years, trying to get them all I guess. My favorites... 
What is the best DVD recording medium?
By the way, after doing some more online research, I learned that you should not record DVD's at anything other than the 1 or 2 hr recording time options, otherwise they will not play back on any other machines. Also, there is debate over whether ... 
What is the best DVD recording medium?
That's good news, I guess, considering all of the copy-protection going on with music recordings. But I can't believe the networks would allow me to record all of the upcoming 6 Feet Under, Season 3, shows on Tivo or Replay, and then burn my own D... 
What is the best DVD recording medium?
Hope I don't hijack your thread, but I was curious: can you use a DVD burner to record programs you've saved on a TiVo? You can transfer those programs to a VCR, but obviously transferring the Dolby 5.1 programs or movies directly to a DVD-R would...