Responses from sc53
Help on installing tubes, biasing...ARC VT100mk2 Yes, I was going to recommend the exact same link to Abe Collins' amazing how-to, step-by-step biasing procedure for this amp. His photos and instructions are fantastic. | |
TT suggestions -- please The comments about a suspended TT (eg the Linn) bouncing all over the place when you walk on a suspended floor are right on. I sold mine for that reason; I couldn't use it in my living room. However, if you place the TT on a wall-mounted shelf you... | |
Bug Ugly The Blue Circle lady pumps and purse in any color or size. | |
What is best Subwoofer for Vienna Ac Beethovens I used a REL Storm III with my Beethovens for music with superb results. Cannot recommend this combo highly enough. | |
Amp for Dyn 25s/tube pre For neutrality, power that seems beyond its 100-watt rating, and speed, try an Ayre V-3. They are available for under $1500 used on this site. If you want 150 watts, try the new Ayre V-5. I think Ayre amps are incredible, and many others agree. Ch... | |
This Sistrum stuff works I'm with Twl and Warren and everyone else on the value and performance of the Sistrum products. I have owned the Sistrum component rack and two speaker platforms (under my Genesis 500's) for nearly 2 years now and couldn't be happier. Like Brulee,... | |
Great Classical/Spanish Guitar on SACD/CD???? I second the Assad brothers on CD for gorgeous recordings and performance. Also, you might like some of the lute recordings that are available on CD. I have recordings by Julian Bream, Paul O'Dette, and several other lutenists (whose names are not... | |
any new Quad 11/12L owners? Are these the dynamic box speakers that Quad is selling, with a piano gloss finish? I was surprised to see a pair at a local dealer's this weekend, I didn't know Quad made box speakers. They look superb but I didn't have a chance to listen to them. | |
Fedex Warning: $100 Limit Insurance on Ground I hope your FedEx Ground rep was just hopelessly misinformed, as is typical of that company. My Ground rep is unaware of this new "policy." I am sure they have had lots of claims because they have been doing LOTS of damage, see the many threads on... | |
Whats the Best Cartridge for a LP12 w Ittok $ 500 I have always used van den Hul cartridges on my LP-12 w/Akito and have loved them. First I had the MM-1 (moving magnet, no longer in production) which sold for $500 and then I moved up to the MC-One Special (list $1350 but sometimes for sale used)... | |
Inexpensive tweak This tweak might actually turn out to be quite expensive should your cat need to be seen and treated by a vet for his upset stomach! | |
Pristine Jazz Any of the 180 gr classic jazz LPs available from the Acoustic Sounds or Music Direct catalogs sound absolutely pristine, deep and rich and fabulous! I have been purchasing 7-8 a year for several years, trying to get them all I guess. My favorites... | |
What is the best DVD recording medium? By the way, after doing some more online research, I learned that you should not record DVD's at anything other than the 1 or 2 hr recording time options, otherwise they will not play back on any other machines. Also, there is debate over whether ... | |
What is the best DVD recording medium? That's good news, I guess, considering all of the copy-protection going on with music recordings. But I can't believe the networks would allow me to record all of the upcoming 6 Feet Under, Season 3, shows on Tivo or Replay, and then burn my own D... | |
What is the best DVD recording medium? Hope I don't hijack your thread, but I was curious: can you use a DVD burner to record programs you've saved on a TiVo? You can transfer those programs to a VCR, but obviously transferring the Dolby 5.1 programs or movies directly to a DVD-R would... |