Responses from sc53
Where are you? Do you know what your FM is doing? I'm in the Washington DC area and have 4 great FM tuners (Mac MR-67; Magnum MD-102; Meridian 204; and Myryad MT-100). Unfortunately, there are hardly any great stations. I listen to WPFW for jazz and blues, WETA for NPR programs, and occasionally,... | |
UPS strikes again Make sure your buyer photographs ALL damage, including the outer box, inner packaging, etc. Take tons of photos, preferably digital if possible. After UPS comes back to your buyer's house to pick up the damaged TT for "inspection," they will tell ... | |
Anyone ever have claims for damage with UPS? Update on my earlier response regarding sad experiences w/FedEx Ground: after their initial denial of my claim on the damaged PSB 5T speaker, I called and spoke with the guy who authored the denial letter and told him I took photos of the damaged ... | |
Spectral DMC-30SL ,which CD player???? I had the Resolution CD-55 for a few months, then sold it for the EMC-1. I thought both were superb players, but if you hear grunge from your CD-50 perhaps the CD-55 won't cut it. I thought the two players were very comparable. I am now looking to... | |
BC'S Albums of the Year Hi Ben, thanks for the list, I love it when everyone starts posting their "best of" lists at this time of year. I have only a couple of your top 10's, so I will try to listen to some of the more obscure titles you list. To me, Coldplay is obscure.... | |
Powerful Integrated amp for Proac Super Tablettes Proac sounds great with the ARC line. I have Proac Response 1SC's with an ARC CA-50 integrated (about 45 watts per channel) and am in heaven. The ARC integrated sells for about $1500 used on this site. Note: it is a tube integrated, but I recommen... | |
Speaker Polish? REVISITED I used a cheap marker pen for furniture nicks on the rosewood finish on my Genesis 500's. I used the medium color, which is about the same as a red cherry. The natural cherry would take the lightest color. The marker pens came in a set of three, f... | |
ARC with B&W 801's? I use Genesis 500's w/my ARC VT100 MK III. Tons of bass, well defined (but the speakers have their own amp for the woofers!), glorious mids and highs. I have seen them for sale used at killer prices, less than a third of their retail. | |
Where have the long-time regulars gone? Whoever Sluggo was, I think Clueless does a great job on the humor and witticisms in the forums. I have burst out laughing so many times at his contributions, esp. his signature line: Sincerely, I remain,Clueless | |
ARC with B&W 801's? I owned the 801 Series II for many years and not until I spent a small fortune on a powerful Goldmund solid state amp did I tame the boomy, tubby almost overpowering bass on the 801's. Previously I had been using an ARC D-300 solid state amp, prec... | |
what is the meaning of this??? Related to your question: I've always been uncertain as to what the term "fast" means with respect to an amp. I know what the reviewer means, but I swear I don't think I've ever heard it. I mean, if the amp is fast, won't the music be playing too ... | |
TransParent Cables vs. Others I used Transparent Ultra and Reference interconnects and speaker cables for many years, until I tried the Ensemble line of cables last year. I have replaced all my expensive Transparent with the far less expensive Ensemble. Bass is smooth, definit... | |
Time for everbodys Top Ten list..... I think it's called a lot of things, including Insurgent Country, Country/Folk, Country/Rock, Folk/Rock, Cosmic American Music, Roots music, and Americana. Whatever it is, it's good! And I've been listening to it for a long time, ever since the 60... | |
Anyone ever have claims for damage with UPS? I second everything written about FedEx Ground, esp. the comment of Jax2. A couple of years ago I recommended this service but NO MORE! They have lost shipments (twice so far), broken items double-boxed in original factory packaging (PSB Image 5T ... | |
Time for everbodys Top Ten list..... How coincidental! I was just going through my coffee table pile-up of CDs to shift some downstairs to my shelves to make room for some newer ones. On my player a lot recently:Tift Merrit, Bramble RoseAllison Moorer, Miss FortuneMary Gauthier, Filt... |