Responses from schubert
Paul McCartney 3 Well , after 20,000 jazz , classical and opera artists he may well be . | |
Your shipping wrecks. USPS,FED-EX and UPS Yes you can think. its just that you think evil . | |
Your shipping wrecks. USPS,FED-EX and UPS No, I was a loyal soldier for my country for well over decade ,A Platoon Sgt. and a good one at that . What did you do other than blabber ?I changed when I saw US Forces killing innocent women and children .Of course rightwingnuts call it Collate... | |
Best rock song of all times Rock around The Clock was the Zenith of Rock . | |
Jazz for aficionados Thank you , jetter.It pays to listen to those that are just beyond any genre now and then .God Bless you and yours . | |
Jazz for aficionados CLASS God | |
Down to 2 speakers & I can't decide, ProAc D48R vs Spendor D9 Spendor is more for serious music. | |
Inexpensive MM Cartridge You can not do wrong buying any Nagoka . | |
Help teach an old dog new tricks Pretty rough to be in north Maine will all Canadian entries closed. | |
Speaker upgrade for classical music I ’ve been playing with a Quad S5 recently , there is a Quad 4 (5 has one more) playing on You Tube . The true ribbon tweeter is something and speaker is easy to set up.NOT trying to say anything about it to anyone but with all the talent on audio... | |
Speaker upgrade for classical music OMG !!! They are selling Hawks in VIETNAM , never saw any in my two years there.Speakers are not set up right .Dan ,being 85 years on this planet I second you on Tannoy .I thought on saying something about it but h... | |
Speaker upgrade for classical music A playing review from the Totem one step below the forest from a classical music freak! young man speaks the truth and nothing but the truth !And if they selling the Forest in Italy you can be Sure they are top.h... | |
Speaker upgrade for classical music I put my old brain in gear and found a review on the Totem Forest that is SPOT on ! I have no idea who the guy is but he does but he does have a Canadian accent .Nothing personal on anyone .But a classical player hears different from you or a list... | |
What is a better speaker than Totem? for = $$$ nope | |
What did you make for Christmas? I made my Wallet about 1500$ lighter. |